One of the things I've heard Biden wants to pass is mandatory liability insurance on each (individual) gun you own.
That insurance would be expencive per gun. That cost alone would limit the number of weapons a person could
afford to keep, thereby reducing the number of weapons per person. Yep, that's about stupid. But it's the way Biden thinks.
Also heard that any weapon they tag as being an "assault weapon" will no loger be "allowed" to live in your home.
Instead, Biden wants those weapons to only be stored at your " local gun club".
It's time to wake the **** up people. The gun grabbers are coming. And really, there is no telling yet exactly how deep
they want to grab. But it will be a damn hand full, for sure.
If you want to stay informed, start listening to Alex Jones on XM Radio 166
or checkout his website at
Do not believe a single word that comes out of the Monkey President's mouth.
He's a damn lier.