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Off-road trailer build!! How to make 450 bucks of a 15 dollar deal..

Silverado.on.rockstars said:
We'll. I said Obo. He called and said 450 if I rebuilt it. Let's get something straight. IT WAS HIS OFFER. THE AD SAID BEST OFFER TAKES IT. HE OFFERED 450 for it. Therefore. I didn't **** with somebody. If you don't like my profit you can kiss my ass. Otherwise STFU and get over it. Now let's go back to a nice forum with decent people who are helpful and creative and not be ignorant ass holes.
Patooyee, I'm sorry for the confusions. Now. Why don't we all crack a cold one and play nice and be creative and not be ignorant stuck up ass holes.

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How bout the next time you clarify something, leave the name calling out of it... If I were to call you names just because you pissed in my cheerios, I would go with.... Only a Mother ****ing ****** has Rockstars AND is actually proud of them.... so gay.... AND YOU HAVE A GAYZR? Holy ****! And a iphone? Wow... I bet you have a Yeti cooler too, how bout some Costas? Gay stickers on your back window? Sperrys? Etc. Etc.

Enough calling names, it is so childish. I am sorry if I ruffled you up with my opinion. ****, if you would have clarified the post earlier so someone could have understood it, none of this would have happen. Hell, apparently you can sell reading glasses to a blind man, that's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm just jealous
muddinmetal said:
How bout the next time you clarify something, leave the name calling out of it... If I were to call you names just because you pissed in my cheerios, I would go with.... Only a Mother ****ing ****** has Rockstars AND is actually proud of them.... so gay.... AND YOU HAVE A GAYZR? Holy ****! And a iphone? Wow... I bet you have a Yeti cooler too, how bout some Costas? Gay stickers on your back window? Sperrys? Etc. Etc.

Enough calling names, it is so childish. I am sorry if I ruffled you up with my opinion. ****, if you would have clarified the post earlier so someone could have understood it, none of this would have happen. Hell, apparently you can sell reading glasses to a blind man, that's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm just jealous

molaugh molaugh molaugh. I was thinking about the same damn thing. Cockstars and gayzrs
rednecklights said:
Your momma ! :flipoff1:

Piper Piper Piper.... I don't mean to always pick at the things you love, I'll make it up to you by wearing one of the free LightPower shirts you send me to every ride I go to this year

What are rockstars and cosras?

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Judging by the afro emoticon Piper used I'm gonna say rock star is long hair white dude and costas are mexicans... could be wrong here but I think I understand

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patooyee said:
What are rockstars and cosras?

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Good for you JJ. They are the cultural status symbols aquired by today's cool kids to prove they love wasting theirs or their parents money.

Rockstars are a particular wheel found everywhere for the last 5 years and Costas are $200 sunglasses

I ain't hatin'. This is my $200 trailer. Obviously has paid for itself many times over. I thought about fixing it up, but was thinking **** it, it's a $200 trailer. If I fix it up, **** will inherently go wrong. :****:
Costas. Yes. I bowfish. Sperries to church. Rockstars because I admire the look. I love the rZr. I use it a lot. It's my dad's. Proud to say, I paid cash for my truck. And it's built how I like it.

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I don't post much and I am sure I will get flamed for this but:

How come so many people get sand in their vaginas? If you do something and you like it the **** other peoples opinions however if you post it on a public forum then don't get all ass chapped when someone else does not have the same opinion as you do. You may think it is the best thing since sliced bread and the next guy could think its the biggest piece of **** he has ever seen. Who is right, who gives a ****. This is what makes reading these threads so damn entertaining and what makes the world go round. Now grab your nuts, be a man and enjoy all the **** talking. **** if you don't like it then don't post or better yet don't get on the forum.
wgamble said:
I don't post much and I am sure I will get flamed for this but:

How come so many people get sand in their vaginas? If you do something and you like it the **** other peoples opinions however if you post it on a public forum then don't get all ass chapped when someone else does not have the same opinion as you do. You may think it is the best thing since sliced bread and the next guy could think its the biggest piece of **** he has ever seen. Who is right, who gives a ****. This is what makes reading these threads so damn entertaining and what makes the world go round. Now grab your nuts, be a man and enjoy all the **** talking. **** if you don't like it then don't post or better yet don't get on the forum.

I see it differently. I think a lot of what is wrong with this world, and subsequently its internet, is that people have stopped following these two basic principals:

1. Do unto others as you would have done unto yourself.
2. If you have nothing positive to say, say nothing at all.

I would not pretend to be innocent of violating these rules in the past nor do I think I will not inadvertently violate them in the future. (As I get older I do get better at following them though.) But today the general rule, especially on the internet, seems to be IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING NEGATIVE TO SAY ALWAYS SAY IT and I think that is not only detrimental to those the comments are directed at but also to those making the comments as they erode at their overall moral base. I get away with berating people constantly on the internet, so why can't I do it every once in a while in real life? I get away with it once in a while in real life, so why not more often? I often get away with berating people in real life, so why not all the time? [ Then you get people calling 911 because the guy at BK forgot to put pickles on their burger.

Its great if you're a super hardass whose feelings can't be hurt. But like you said, who really cares if you don't care? Why do people feel the need to publicly demonstrate the impermeability of their emotional state on the internet constantly? Isn't saying nothing the true proof that you do not care? Saying something at all is just an admission that you cared enough to say something and that your emotional state has already been affected.
All I am saying is if you put your opinion on a public forum then don't get all butthurt over someone making fun of you. Could you imagine how boring this place would be if there were no "dickheads" in the world to keep the pot stirred. Hell if that was the case, then we should just all hold hands and sing together. Lets also make sure that everyone who participates gets a trophy.
So far I'm not in much. 15 for the trailer. 25 coupler. Lights 25. 3/4 inch plywood 30. Water seal 15. Hardware and all was all free. Tires were only like 180. And then the tools I had to buy: sandblaster from HF 60. Several grinder, saw blades 35. So not bad. I mean. When I'm done, I get to beat on it hard and not worry

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