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Official King Of Hammers (KOH) Thread

patooyee said:
Haha. Until 2014 they were basically the only option. I suspect that TWF will get on that list eventually if they continue on the path they are on, don't you?

Maybe? Time will tell.
Shannon's post on FB claimed they were in the pit removing the transfer case, though I heard earlier he had transmission failure. Id think if he was changing a transmission he would have said removing the trans.
patooyee said:
The fact that is is there at all ...

Sirens or horns are on all the cars. Mirrors aren't reliable at speed, sirens help in the rocks when you come up on another car to let them know you are there. And in regards to going over the other car... It's been well known since the second year of KOH that once you broke, you were part of the course. It's not a Sunday cruise, it's a race. That car has been a trail tampon multiple years, Tom Wayes drove over their winch line on Backdoor last year on two wheels.

You sound like a child when you say that you'd hit someone in the mouth for running a siren during a ****ing race.
Craig_c said:
Shannon's post on FB claimed they were in the pit removing the transfer case, though I heard earlier he had transmission failure. Id think if he was changing a transmission he would have said removing the trans.

With a Hero case weighing 140 lbs, you aren't pulling the trans without getting the Hero out.

Here is the full post from Campbell Racing on Facebook

This is what happened. I was in the pit and had just dropped the transfer case when Randy roosted me, my crew and my car. I ran over to him and asked him what he was thinking and told him to use his head. When I walked back to my car the guys told me he had done the same thing earlier but had ripped the tarp and stakes out of the ground. Had I known that, he wouldn't have left the pit. I had the guys switch it to the KOH frequency thinking it was for KOH staff and asked to talk to Dave Cole I didn't know everyone was able to hear me. When I got back to the main pit one competitor had printed out the rule infractions and he and another driver were ready to file a red card. I told them it was my pit, my team and that I would handle it. I gave Dave the red card along with the rules. When my guys tried talking to Dave they were told it was none of their business. Dave said there was a procedure he had to follow when a red card is filed which consists of a panel of drivers. Later Dave said he couldn't find any drivers only him and John Goodby. I told Dave just do something about it. After the award presentation I went up to Randy to congratulate him just as I would anyone else. He apologized.
I know one thing for sure that if Dave would have been standing at the front of my car when this happened there would have been a DQ! I'm not happy with the decision and neither are my guys. Safety is mandatory. Don't put my team in harm's way because you have a helmet on. I could have handled it a little better but in the heat of the moment it wasn't an option.
I'm very proud of my crew for their outstanding sportsmanship and I want them to know that I wouldn't be able to do this without them. Their hardwork and dedication to this team goes above and beyond.
Everyone will have an opinion but opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one let's keep it to yourself and worry about the future.

Randy has apologized in person to Shannon and in about a half dozen places on FB as well to all involved.
M4Wheeler said:
With a Hero case weighing 140 lbs, you aren't pulling the trans without getting the Hero out.

Here is the full post from Campbell Racing on Facebook

Randy has apologized in person to Shannon and in about a half dozen places on FB as well to all involved.

Finally Mr. Campbell doesn't sound like a douche. Make a video with that on it and bring some of that class to racing.

I don't remember Mr. Cameron or Mr. Keith talking, near as much, as going out for the experience. Tim went out with a race proven chassis an Ritchie built and rebuilt his buggy with his style. Tim finished and learned a lot about what the Hammers is about (just a guess). Ritchie got some time on screen, got an East Coast buggy in the spotlight for a minute and Ill bet he learned a whole lot too. I watched a slow motion video of his suspension doing work at speed.

Both of these guys have done something I would like to do in the future. Keep the thoughts positive and provide positive feedback from you all that know how to do it so much better. Band of Brothers we are not, but let's at least be semi-supportive of our southern brethren.....rant over
M4Wheeler said:
You sound like a child when you say that you'd hit someone in the mouth for running a siren during a ****ing race.

I'm sorry I seem to have offended you. Only a child would not have seen the humor / sarcasm in it. Since you seem to be unable to though, I will clearly state that I would not in reality punch anyone for having a siren. What your address? I will mail you some hemorrhoidal wipes to show the sincerity of my apology.

I would. Hell, I would punch people for a living if it was legal and they didn't get to hit back. Reputation minus two :)

Kel Lawrence
plow boy said:
well guys and gals, I was the topic from about page 9 thru 26 on what I said on the stage, I should of said Shannon cambell was in front of me winching ( or can I say he was in front of me since he was a lap ahead of me) and I waited till he was on top of backdoor then I climbed it with no trouble, while Shannon was getting back in his car I went around him (going around and passing by him evidentally is not the same) so at this point I am totally confused on what I did. All I can say is Shannon Cambell is a very nice and humble person and I am sure he did not take it the wrong way. I am going to try and finish that race in a buggy(I will spend my money any which way I please, eor and wod both have benefitted from that).You are welcome to hate on me as much as you want, instead why don't u talk about rwr race team(timmie,cole,jimmy,blake,bill,and others) that finished the 215 painful mile race. This is why I do not get on hardline much, all of us are hard working americans and by the way tell the person that has a half naked pic that likes to comment to cover up, she has a daddy that would not appreciate the pic.

Sometimes I think being a racer is worse than being a politician, everyone picks apart every little thing you say or do and completely over analyzes it and puts their own spin on it.

Good on ya for being unapologetic about how you choos to spend YOUR money. :dblthumb:

And I agree YOUNG, would you consider changing your avatar pic?
patooyee said:
I'm sorry I seem to have offended you. Only a child would not have seen the humor / sarcasm in it. Since you seem to be unable to though, I will clearly state that I would not in reality punch anyone for having a siren. What your address? I will mail you some hemorrhoidal wipes to show the sincerity of my apology.
Most of the time I want to do more than a "punch in the mouth" to those with sirens... :smoke:
I'm with Kel, if I could get paid for it and pick the targets I would do it for a living. A professional mouth puncher. And please, dont pic on Patooyee, some of us in the fan club get pretty dam upset about **** like that . :flipoff1:
patooyee said:
I'm sorry I seem to have offended you. Only a child would not have seen the humor / sarcasm in it. Since you seem to be unable to though, I will clearly state that I would not in reality punch anyone for having a siren. What your address? I will mail you some hemorrhoidal wipes to show the sincerity of my apology.

Sarcasm is hard to detect in a thread full of butthurt from 4 or 5 different sides. Instead of giving you my address, I'll offer you a ride in my U4 car when you make it to KOH, or when I make it back south to Hot Springs or AOP. Anyone worth their salt knows baby wipes are where it's at on a rig. thumb.gif
^^^ I will give you a double low ride in my Sami, nothing like taking 15 minutes to go over some rocks! :woot:
Re: Re: Official King Of Hammers (KOH) Thread

M4Wheeler said:
Sarcasm is hard to detect in a thread full of butthurt from 4 or 5 different sides. Instead of giving you my address, I'll offer you a ride in my U4 car when you make it to KOH, or when I make it back south to Hot Springs or AOP. Anyone worth their salt knows baby wipes are where it's at on a rig. thumb.gif
Offer accepted. :)
kushKrawlin said:
HOLY **** IM A KING???!?? How did I miss this? Shits nuts.. I thought you were supposed to have all the money when you were a king , not spend all the money to be a king. Wtf

All I want to know is WTF is wrong with Youngs avatar pic? Were not running a daycare here. :****:

mdo817 said:
Well said Ritchie

x2! now spend 2015 endurance racing that thing everywhere and every chance you get so you can become one with your rig and get all the bugs out and finish the big one next year
plow boy said:
well guys and gals, I was the topic from about page 9 thru 26 on what I said on the stage, I should of said Shannon cambell was in front of me winching ( or can I say he was in front of me since he was a lap ahead of me) and I waited till he was on top of backdoor then I climbed it with no trouble, while Shannon was getting back in his car I went around him (going around and passing by him evidentally is not the same) so at this point I am totally confused on what I did. All I can say is Shannon Cambell is a very nice and humble person and I am sure he did not take it the wrong way. I am going to try and finish that race in a buggy(I will spend my money any which way I please, eor and wod both have benefitted from that).You are welcome to hate on me as much as you want, instead why don't u talk about rwr race team(timmie,cole,jimmy,blake,bill,and others) that finished the 215 painful mile race. This is why I do not get on hardline much, all of us are hard working americans and by the way tell the person that has a half naked pic that likes to comment to cover up, she has a daddy that would not appreciate the pic.

Proud of your guys...keep on keeping on!