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Old trainwreck thread ----

sammi74044 said:
Why don't you tell everyone the truth?? The place was a dump when I came to pick it up! You had my money for 3 weeks befote I could get there to pick it up! Never got cleaned and was a rat infested mess!! You kept my 5k cause ur a shady f*ck don't get me wrong I'd much rether be out 5k than 55k that's a no brainer!! But it's still not right!!! I didn't change my mind cause I wanted something different!! You lied and the pictures u sent me and posted are from when you bought it has nothing on the current condition!! You should be a real man and admit ur wrong and u advertised it wrongly and give my other 5k back!!! :wtflol: :****:
Welcome to hardline!
sammi74044 said:
Why don't you tell everyone the truth?? The place was a dump when I came to pick it up! You had my money for 3 weeks befote I could get there to pick it up! Never got cleaned and was a rat infested mess!! You kept my 5k cause ur a shady f*ck don't get me wrong I'd much rether be out 5k than 55k that's a no brainer!! But it's still not right!!! I didn't change my mind cause I wanted something different!! You lied and the pictures u sent me and posted are from when you bought it has nothing on the current condition!! You should be a real man and admit ur wrong and u advertised it wrongly and give my other 5k back!!! :wtflol: :****:
If you paid 55k and Ty kept 5k does that mean I can get this mo-chine for 50? Seems like a good deal if it comes with free mice!

For shits and giggles I googled "Ty Turner" I'm pretty sure its not seeing as I have met him but I was shocked by what came up! :****:
sammi74044 said:
Why don't you tell everyone the truth?? The place was a dump when I came to pick it up! You had my money for 3 weeks befote I could get there to pick it up! Never got cleaned and was a rat infested mess!! You kept my 5k cause ur a shady f*ck don't get me wrong I'd much rether be out 5k than 55k that's a no brainer!! But it's still not right!!! I didn't change my mind cause I wanted something different!! You lied and the pictures u sent me and posted are from when you bought it has nothing on the current condition!! You should be a real man and admit ur wrong and u advertised it wrongly and give my other 5k back!!! :wtflol: :****:

What they said welcome to Hardline! Thank you for your side. Much needed in my opinion. :popcorn:
BUG-E J said:
For shits and giggles I googled "Ty Turner" I'm pretty sure its not seeing as I have met him but I was shocked by what came up! :****:

I would have guessed Ty was older than 18. Who knew!? laughing1
BUG-E J said:
If you paid 55k and Ty kept 5k does that mean I can get this mo-chine for 50? Seems like a good deal if it comes with free mice!

For shits and giggles I googled "Ty Turner" I'm pretty sure its not seeing as I have met him but I was shocked by what came up! :****:

What came up? Nothing for me...
Sux I had to learn the hard way! But karma is a bitch and Ty will soon be on the karma highway :driving:
Hardline has been pretty entertaining here lately...I feel bad for ppl losing money and getting screwed on shady deals though
matth_85 said:
What came up? Nothing for me...
Its a you tube page of a "guy" named ty turner. If you cant find it that's as far as I'm gonna post here.......
Back to the top!!!!
Ty still owes me 5,000 bucks but he has blocked me off fb and everything else cause he don't want me to tell the truth about what kind of POS he is!!! Just give my damm money back you cocksucker :flipgotcha:
sammi74044 said:
Back to the top!!!!
Ty still owes me 5,000 bucks but he has blocked me off fb and everything else cause he don't want me to tell the truth about what kind of POS he is!!! Just give my damm money back you cocksucker :flipgotcha:
Well. **** on me. There goes another fella puttin bible verses in the sit and Robbin someone. Man wata shame.. And I'll say it again.. Wouldn't wanna be in them shoes. Maybe he can tell me what verse it is where tha MAN upstairs says "Christians like that make him wanna vomit" or Somthing like that. At least take that out of your signature.. Man that's some bullshit there. Hate it for Ya.. Someones a better man than i am, 5 G's and I swear on everything I have I'm ridin.
Anybody know where I can buy a rat infested junked out motor coach? I just need it to run long enough to park it out in my pasture. Gonna setup the mother in law in it. I can't pay more than 100k for it. NOTE: the rats must be huge
Someone needs to chime in and say somthing. ****. Man puts bible verses all over his sig, starts a thread, has someone say he ripped them off, oh wait... FOR 5 Fawkin THOUSAND BUKS!!!?!?!.. And not a dam word to defend himself. By GOD you need to say Somthing. And CHANGE your sig!! Got enuf morons messin up how " man of GOD" is supposed to be like!!!! This is nonsense. sammi74044 how did you give him the money?? You ain't got his address?? Tell me u didn't give a fella 5K and not know where he lives? 5000.. Just say it to yourself. Wooo weeeee I'd still be doin doughnuts until he came out. :****: now I guess I see what all the shits about. Ya better thank the man in your sig u didn't take that money from me. I been ripped off for a lil bit and had to really do some soul searching not to go get that motherfuker, but 5000 is a BIG BIG BIG mistake. That wouldnt cover a 1/16th of the damages done by this ****** .. Go ahead and jot that down. But then again i ain't in the market for a motorhome, thank GOD.