That's what I have in my buggy. Its about the biggest 12v one I could find. Its big enough to run low demand air tools, 100% duty cycle. I took everything apart and only used the parts that I needed. The tank was a bit big for me so I used a smaller tank.
I used Viair before this and their warranty is ****. One of the rubber gasket seals in mine was installed incorrectly from the factory. It wasn't laid completely in the groove and it was pinched / cut where the plates went together. I didn't even know this, the compressor was within a year of purchase and I called them and told them that there appeared to be water intrusion. They said sorry, can't help you, improper installation. Then I took it apart because I knew damn well it wasn't my fault and found the pinched seal. I sent them pics and they said they had no way of proving that I hadn't tampered with it. **** VIAIR. Their tiny-ass little compressor don't even match up to the Puma anyway and they're in the same price range. The Puma has been in my buggy since day 1, open to the elements, left out in the rain, towed in the rain, it doesn't care. It is a power hogg though.