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Opinions on unions....but unicorns are (fill in the blank)

Re: Opinions on unions

patooyee said:
The union topic has been covered here before I think.

But every time I skim over the thread title I see "opinions on unicorns," and think "Damn, we really ran out of stuff to talk about!" :)

Swear first time I read it, I read exactly what it said, but pronounced unions like the redneck version of onions. Glad it's Friday, long day at work....ready for a beer and a hot grill soon as I get home.
JohnG said:
I think the time for unions have past with one exception. I feel the coal miners still need the union for safety. So much can go wrong in that job.

I hear what your saying and I agree, except isn't that what OSHA is in place for now?? I have lost many family members down the line to coal mines. I'm originally from Harlan KY. Most of my family generations past were coal miners. Not many of us left there at this point. Most got out for a better life and future for their families.
pholmann said:
I hear what your saying and I agree, except isn't that what OSHA is in place for now??

That's what I was thinking. OSHA has essentially taken the place of Unions in terms of safety, but not the monetary side of course. I personally don't see a large enough benefit in unions anymore either.
I'll agree with all above, unions are no longer needed. I refused to be a member of the teacher's union simply because they are nothing more than a political arm of and fundraising organization for the Democratic party.
I think the biggest problem is people take advantage of the union. Mostly it's people being lazy and getting by with the bare minimum. I have no idea why some of the agreements make it damn near impossible to get rid of the lazy ****s. But unfortunately, they keep their jobs that pay more than those worked 10 times as hard for less money by their non union counterparts.

The company I work for is union and in my particular industry, the union provides safety that isn't there through osha. Our safety standards are far more strick than osha or fra standards, yet guys still get hurt or killed all too often. It's a dangerous business by default but I believe without someone fighting on behalf of the guys in the field, they would be a lot worse off in terms of injuries and fatalities.

That being said, I think they got the safety where it needs to be and if the company would promise to at least keep the current standards, we could do without the union.
Unions had there time and place, however, given enough rope corporations would make them a necessity again :****:
dwa2469 said:
Unions had there time and place, however, given enough rope corporations would make them a necessity again :****:

That's what's great about America, if you don't like the way something is ran, then quit or organize YOURSELVES and strike. Enough people do that, then you'll see conditions change again. Boom, you just eliminated the need for a union.

Or just quit and start your own company.
pholmann said:
I hear what your saying and I agree, except isn't that what OSHA is in place for now?? I have lost many family members down the line to coal mines. I'm originally from Harlan KY. Most of my family generations past were coal miners. Not many of us left there at this point. Most got out for a better life and future for their families.

I ****ing hate unions, modern day brainwashing economic leaches. But OSHA, come on, its a federal agency, ZERO shot in a million they are better than the unions and thats really BAD.

Oh God! Now I'm going back through the serious posts and replacing every instance of unions with unicorns in my head. It's hilarious! I'm sorry I know I'm mucking up a serious thread but I am in stitches now!

My wife is laying next to me in bed wondering WTF and I'm trying to figure out how to explain this!
So I guess everyone has an opinion. I won't dispute that alot of the time the union tends to help the lazier breed of folks and is used as an escape goat. I work in a union job although Alabama is a right to work state and you can have your choice to pay or not. I honestly like what I do for a living and figure I will be here till I retire. So therefore instead of falling in line and being a sheep I decided to get involved and learn all I can about it and steer the union (at my place) in the right direction. I have always been a steward or trustee, but I recently was elected Executive Vice President and am proud to say I am union. I honestly believe there is a place for a union in any work place. Atleast it goves you a voice that you can't have under no union. Also safety was metioned and my unions safety program is a great proven program, but does take ALOT of management cooperation and help from employees.

To the OP if the union that is trying to organize your shop is USW feel free PM me to ask any question you want. I will give you straight answers not drink the
kool-aid answers sort of speaking.
Yes, I've seen instances where the union has helped some individuals keep their job a little longer, but the same happens in non union shops. I don't know of many or any union shops that let their employees find out they were jobless by showing up for work on Monday to a note left on a looked door stating "we're closed and you don't work here anymore". I don't work union anymore due to what I'm in now. I will say this, while there was a good bit of bad there was a good bit more good too. Severance packages can really save your tail when a company does close a shop and you don't want to move to stay with the company.

I think a lot of the "our union is crap" comes from the organizations that claim to be a union. How many teachers vote on their contracts? I saw in another topic that someone's union leader voted them a pay cut, that's not a union in my book - a high percentage of members should vote on anything that effects the group.

I'm not buy union or buy nothing by any means, nor do I think there should be a union for everything, but in some cases you do need someone looking out for you. Like stated above most safety standards are way above osha regs. Osha compliace is really not what many think it is and has lots of loop holes, just like any .gov
civicmindedex79 said:
I will give you straight answers not drink the kool-aid answers sort of speaking.

Like "Vote for ____ ____ (D), she's pro-union"? Or "If not for unions, you'd be making 50 cents an hour"? Or "Vote to organize or you'll be working underground with no lights with sharks and lasers and ****"...
Yea thats exactly it. How did you guess?? Oh yea you just wanna ASSume everyone is the same. I am good with that.

Re-reading that I may have took that wrong. I see now you was just making examples of the kool-aid talk? If so my bad. If you was trying to say that is what I was going to say then all above applies. molaugh
5BrothersFabrication said:
Like "Vote for ____ ____ (D), she's pro-union"? Or "If not for unions, you'd be making 50 cents an hour"? Or "Vote to organize or you'll be working underground with no lights with sharks and lasers and ****"...

Haha vote "straight D" that's definitely one of the bad points in some unions and a source of many arguments I had with some co-workers. Most saw things the right way, but you had those who'd say "when did being liberal become a bad thing?" ....Really? laughing1
Union lineman and would never in my life go non union, main reason is safety, I've worked beside non union on a couple storms and hurricanes and it's ****in ridiculous what a contractor will get away with if you let em. Oh and the retirement and benefits are 10x better but yea **** unions.

Not wanting to argue with anyone, but I'm having a hard time seeing where union or nonunion has anything to do with safety. I'll use the example of being a lineman; When your working out of the bucket, or standing on the pole on hooks, how does whether your in the union or not, have anything to do with how you do your job? A good lineman shouldn't need osha or a union to do their job safely. You either do it right or try to cut corners on your own free will. It's all based on personal decisions. You obviously are a good lineman, just judging by how you notice and see the importance of others not working safely. However, I feel like that comes from your own common sense, not a union or osha. You've been trained and see the importance of doing things the right way.

I just think every aspect of the union is severely outdated. When the point of safety was brought up, I started trying to consider it. There are millions of jobs. I feel like safety is a personal decision on most all of those jobs.

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