This is a bit of an introduction post as well as an information post.
As posted above, we've teamed up with Dave Cole and the whole Ultra4 team to make a whole new kind of map this year. We are creating course and Hammertown maps that you can load in your smartphone or tablet/iPad (Android and iOS compatible) that are stored on your phone and do not require signal to operate (as long as you get it downloaded to your device before loosing signal) The GPS in the device is all you need once it's loaded to the device locally.
So, you own the map, magic blue dot shows you where you are on the map relative to the course, the pit you are looking for, etc.
first step that you should do now, is download the free app called PDF-Maps.
Here's a direct link:
second step will be to download the maps you want from our website once we are given the green light to release them (late next week). The maps will all be located here:
The Hammertown map will be free, course maps all $10 each.
Real important: Make sure you download the maps you want TO THE DEVICE YOU INTEND TO USE IN JOHNSON VALLEY! One map per download.
If you're on Facebook and Twitter, please give us a "Like" for updates when the maps are released, further links, etc. Links below in our signature.
We hope you like our product and choose to give it a try. We are a small business (husband/wife team) and intend to map many of the popular trails nation-wide including all of the Hammers trails and Moab.
This system is very nice because you can simply load the maps to your smartphone and no longer need to fumble around with the old-school GPS units. Our maps can show so much more information than what you can load into one of the older handheld GPS units. Here's a short demonstration. Pardon my goofy voice.
We also are re-seller of RAM Mounts (See: RAMMOUNTS - X-Grip® Mounts)and will be loading mounts to our website this week for mounting your phone or tablet just about anywhere in your rig.
If you have any questions, shoot us an e-mail at
[email protected]
or just give us a call at 256-714-2000
Tell folks about us please!
We want to change the way you navigate around on trails.
~ Jake and Jennifer White ~
The CartoTracks team, boss in yellow: