Boonie Buster
Stuck on a Curb
Oh really????? You mean like yesterday when I try to contribute to a thread about contributions needed for building trails? When I do I get some smart ass comment like "why are you even here" or "I should just make you go away and solve my problems". Or when I open a new thread to ask a question as not to side track another thread but you immediately lock the thread???? Is that you idea of trying to get others involved?
News flash! That aint gona do it!
Rant (cry baby) time:
Ya, I think there is a little elitism in the RTW crowd, for doing what they do. It's great they go up there and do 3-4 hrs of work on a saturday on a trail thats not legal. One personal example. I ran upon some people working on a trail, I offered to help, I was then asked if I had a winch, I said no, then was told that i wasn't any help. :booo: My unlogged hours of cleaning the trails and areas with my fellow wheelers (friends) are viewed as not legit. As it didn't happen during a Clean-Up. I'm not looking for recognition, But I think if people looked, they'd find there are a LOT of people that go unnoticed for their part in picking up trash along the trail. But it doesn't count. :awesomework:
Gone are the days of good ol fashioned wilderness enjoyment by ALL. :booo::booo::booo:
Gone are the days of passins ANYONE on the trail and getting a smile and a wave, maybe even a chat and a drink.:booo: