Just re-enforces the old saying...
You want it done right, you better do it yourself :beer:
The hypocrite chimed in...:corn:
:haha: :haha:
I am going to get a performance reprogram on my ECM and see if that helps.
Don't you think that you should 1st see if there's a problem with the motor before reprogramming the computer?
Does it show any codes?
Besides the lack of power does it have any other symptoms?
Have you looked at the factory manual for troubleshooting advice, check voltages and resistance readings on sensors, etc...
Well I have tried everything ELSE. No there are no codes. No other symptoms other than a lack of power. I have gone thru the factory troubleshooting. And there is an issue with the factory ECM's called the death flash. It was a flash they did to limit power from the factory. And there are two ways to get rid of it. Get a custom flash or get a reprogramer and do it yourself.
Don't know if you have to be a member to read this or not.
Every sensor checks out.
How about a simple compression check? Just one more thing to do before spending $$$