Well-Known Member
LightBnDr said:So in the end, all you can do is trust in God to sort it all out.![]()
Wish God would hurry up with that then. >

LightBnDr said:So in the end, all you can do is trust in God to sort it all out.![]()
TBItoy said:Wish God would hurry up with that then. >![]()
5BrothersFabrication said:You know what grinds my gears? People at work who hate their job, talk **** about the employer all day long if you let them, but stay there for years on end. The next one that does this, I'm going to tell the owner when he strolls through the breakroom, "Hey Billy, Kevin has an issue that needs addressing. Something about that fat motherfucker behind a desk..."
John we need a pissed off emoticon! :****:
I assume you were promised a promotion or opportunity that isn't going to happen?Joc said:I used to think the same thing til I got my current job. Now it's just not that easy to say **** it and move on. I now know what all the older guys ment by having the golden handcuffs on. They pay us quite well and great retirement. It's just not the job to walk out on but believe me I have wanted to for a long time. I'm patiently gonna wait and see if this guy fulfills his word. I confronted him 5months ago and asked if plans have changed bc I ain't seeing no changes being made. He said nothing has changed and his plans are the same for me so now it's a waiting game. Its a messed up sitituation to be in and I hate that he drug me into it by telling me 3 years ago if he knew it may be 4-6 yrs down the road.
What would u do if you was in my shoes making the most money u ever had and prolly ever would if u were to leave?
We're expecting our first child this Thursday or before if she goes into labor. It would be easy to say f it and quit if we wasn't bout to have a kid but now I got to think about my lil girls future too.
TacomaJD said:Yaw ninjas care too much about what other fawkers do. No matter where you are in life, everyone is not going to fit "your" bill. Get over it, ya bunch of tits lol
TBItoy said:I assume you were promised a promotion or opportunity that isn't going to happen?
Joc said:yeah, and :****: he told me not to tell anyone in the shop. I know why now. Hes full of hot air lol. He did tell me in dec. to be ready for dec. 2015 that I would be going to a big show with them so maybe that will be the first step of many by letting me meet customers and them meet me...who knows. I just find it really hard to believe anything that comes out his mouth. Its just a wait and see game. Worst situation ive ever been in all my life.
Good money, great benefits and NOs
TBItoy said:How many employees are in your company? Total? And how many on your "level"?
Sounds pretty typical of a small business
Close. Lancaster, Pa. I guess it didn't help that they were charging $2 per pair of foam plugs. But these were your typical "let's go bejcd1026_la said:You must be from the Lafayette, LA area. I went to that as well, I had orange ear plugs for everyone in my group and two extra pair to share for just that reason. In the past, my older daughter used to use plugs and ear muffs to keep from being scared with the noise.
5BrothersFabrication said:You know what grinds my gears? People at work who hate their job, talk **** about the employer all day long if you let them, but stay there for years on end. The next one that does this, I'm going to tell the owner when he strolls through the breakroom, "Hey Billy, Kevin has an issue that needs addressing. Something about that fat motherfucker behind a desk..."
John we need a pissed off emoticon! :****:
Actually yes, to some degree. I used to build houses and he worked for the contractor we used for siding. As soon as I saw him on the show I knew he looked familiar. Took me a bit to place him though.zukimaster said:I love Amish Mafia! You know Levi? I know it's all bullshit, but I'm eat up with it.
Haha thats pretty damn funny right there,I try to have a don't give a **** attitude where most things a concerned,but here lately I don't know if it bc spring is here or what,but I can't stand it when i'm pumping gas or at a drive through trying to order and some asshole thinks that someone within a 5 mile radius wants to here there jigga boo bullshit.Best way I have found to deal with it is to join them and crank up some good ol DAVID ALLEN COE,usually makes there day.5BrothersFabrication said:Put a lot of thought into it today.
...fast food foreigners. "We habada picy, habada mile, nnnnnnnhabadaaaaa....."
...dark complected people that just will not give an inch in a tight hallway or isle. I am just big enough to make THEM move, but what about someone else? Your WIFE? KIDS?
...city cops. Told my neighbor he didn't have time to come off his radar to chase down every little lead (100% certain the guy across the street is selling pills). THAT IS ALL YOU DO! YOU JUST DESCRIBED YOUR JOB!!! City pigs gotta get that speeder $$$.
...anybody trying to get to work at the same time as me.
...boys with faggy, weak names. Don't let your wife name your sons. They will have one.
...2 buggy messicans with an EBT card. That one makes me DC Sniper mad.
...people with WAAAAY too many things financed, wondering why that rollback is leaving with the BMW. You can't drive the RZR or Skidoo to work.
...college drunks. Why I only go to the Bama game at Neyland every other year. I have to woosah every time to keep myself out of jail.
...old men with the EXACT SAME POLITICAL BELIEFS AS ME that vote democrap, because that's what they used to do in the '40s.
...facials in porn. Seriously, whose wife lets them do that ****? Do something realistic, like lose your hard on and go to sleep angry.
...kids with their headphones. Do you really need music 24/7? I hope that train blaring the horn hits one or 12,000.
...people who think Dilbert is funny.
...tourists who ask where all the good **** is, then do NONE of it.
...hoarders and crazy -insert animal here- people. I hope you get mauled by those 26 cats and that huge rubble pile falls and blocks your escape.
...pre-teens that run around the hockey game with ZERO interest in the sport. Your mom just shelled out $17 each for you and your 3 retarded friends to run around and giggle at boys. Good investment, mom.
...college kids that major in USELESS BULLSHIT and wonder why they can't get a job. (throwback to OP)
...people that are fake country. If you listen to Rascall Flats and dress like a cowboy, you are a fraud.
...the "serch" guy on pirate.
...hashtag kids. #****you.
...bad parents with a 5 year old that speaks like my 3 year old. Seen one today. Talk to the ****in thing, he might pick up some vocabulary.
...rape trophy chicks. Women that can bring up their rape into ANY conversation. (aka make EVERYONE uncomfortable) (Also, I'm sorry it happened.)
...dudes that accept being the BITCH in a relationship. Wear the damn pants and use the pimp hand if ya got to.
...women who refuse to acknowlege that they have a mustache. Even if you didn't own a mirror, look at your arms. Dead giveaway.
...people who get mad at you, realize THEY were wrong, then stay mad at you to save face.
...Plasti-dip everything guys.
Jesus, I need a shrink.
toyota01 said:jigga boo
Joc said:yeah, and :****: he told me not to tell anyone in the shop. I know why now. Hes full of hot air lol. He did tell me in dec. to be ready for dec. 2015 that I would be going to a big show with them so maybe that will be the first step of many by letting me meet customers and them meet me...who knows. I just find it really hard to believe anything that comes out his mouth. Its just a wait and see game. Worst situation ive ever been in all my life.
Good money, great benefits and NOs