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Please f#cking help

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Any time any part of any government is involved in something, good things get screwed up. I could care less about the RZR vs crawler vs bouncer bs, we're all offroaders.

It does PISS ME OFF that a group of guys VOLUNTEERED their time, efforts and energy to make something better and it gets destroyed.
I watched a 50" 800 bone stock climb "who's your daddy" 2 weekends ago. If that can make it up it I see no need to make it easier. Sack up or ride the access trails.

Gazers... I swear. ::) :gtfo:
@ 18 - 20 sec into the video linked above. What do the signs say? Trail name, difficulty level? Some of the signs said "Jeep Only" years ago. I don't agree with using Jeep in the title, but why even use signage like that and then bulldoze the hill if a lesser classification of a vehicle complains.

Maybe the new culture of this country is trickling down into our favorite pass time. If you don't get what you want, you complain till you do. What happened to common sense?
Re: Re: Re: Please f#cking help

Speeding said:
It's not the rzrs it's the coolers in the back.

This happened to common since and is the bulk of the reason for people thinking they have a pair enough to hit some of these hills

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These RZR 1000's are gonna get a lot of people in a pinch.

I don't agree with telling people they shouldn't be on a trail. If they have the balls to try it, go for it. I do think that proper safety equipment must be installed before they are allowed on the hill though.
Here in Texas we have mud parks (4 wheelers, SXS' and some mud trucks), then we have rock crawling parks (might see a RZR every once in awhile) but I can tell ya one damn thing. You can sure the **** see the difference in the folks between the two style parks. Ive tried to go to the mud parks and just about every damn time nearly end up in a fight with some stoopid neck thinkin you were checkin out his girl or some ****. You ride with some guys and break or get stuck they will leave your ass behind and never check up. You go to a crawlin park and its "hey man you need a hand on that, you need a beer, my ole lady got some burritos back at camp,......and the main thing if your riding with a group nobody gets left behind. Ive wrote off 4 wheeler parks, sold my RZR last week and dumpin it all in the new crawler build. I think the biggest reason is this. Joe Blow RZR rider went down to Polaris and signed loan docs and now he is a wheeler. Joe Blow rock crawler/bouncer slaved his ass off in the garage building his ****, robbin Peter to pay Paul and built his ****. That probably has nothing to do with what yall are talkin about but I needed to climb that soap box.
Glen1978 said:
Here in Texas we have mud parks (4 wheelers, SXS' and some mud trucks), then we have rock crawling parks (might see a RZR every once in awhile) but I can tell ya one damn thing. You can sure the **** see the difference in the folks between the two style parks. Ive tried to go to the mud parks and just about every damn time nearly end up in a fight with some stoopid neck thinkin you were checkin out his girl or some ****. You ride with some guys and break or get stuck they will leave your ass behind and never check up. You go to a crawlin park and its "hey man you need a hand on that, you need a beer, my ole lady got some burritos back at camp,......and the main thing if your riding with a group nobody gets left behind. Ive wrote off 4 wheeler parks, sold my RZR last week and dumpin it all in the new crawler build. I think the biggest reason is this. Joe Blow RZR rider went down to Polaris and signed loan docs and now he is a wheeler. Joe Blow rock crawler/bouncer slaved his ass off in the garage building his ****, robbin Peter to pay Paul and built his ****. That probably has nothing to do with what yall are talkin about but I needed to climb that soap box.

The mud crowd is definitely it's own breed, it's the same up here in Missouri, with "muddin'" comes excess drinking and fighting and I avoid those crowds like the plague. I don't drink but I don't deny anyone else the right to do so as long as it's back at camp and off the trail. Though there are those same elements often in just about every crowd. Well said.
We got a place up here in Ohio called Powerline Park and when people tell me thats where they "wheel" I try to find another group to ride with. Seen a guy out on the trail this year with some big stretched out cj with 3 rows of seats. It had a roll cage ( could have used more support but at least it was something. The problem was the seats in the back row were so high that the passengers heads stuck clear out over top and none of the 10 or so passengers that were jammed on there had a seatbelt or a harness. When someone asked them about it they said they "hadn't gotten that far". But they had time to hook up some cool LED lights all over the cage and a nice stereo system.
I have climbed Who's your daddy numerous times on my old 800 as well as my old 900 and never took a tumble like that thank goodness!! But on a side note they bulldoze the hill all the time and it'll be back like it was in just a couple weekends especially if people will get on it and spin the dirt off and with the help of some rain :****:, kinda have to look at like this as well, the "RZR people" have paid the bill on that place to keep it open this long I guarantee you, even though I'm liking the fact of makin it a crawler friendly park but don't hate too hard on the people that's been riding there for years and years. Just sayin......
MR. Drake.... First off, you need to bring your little man by...haven't seen him in a while. Secondly, I agree if it weren't for the RZRs, the park would be closed. Thirdly, I know it will get back to a nasty hill, but I am afraid if they do this to one hill, that when some of the bouncer/crawler guys flip down hills, they may do the same. I think the park is great and the staff is great too. I just wanted to vent out loud about my disgust about this particular hill. It has literally kept me up a night. Sad, but true.
I'm going to say it's not the RZR'S it's people. I don't like RZR'S 6 wide on a trail nor 3 buggy's wide on same trail but RZR'S get the rap cause all you do if sign and drive. The people may just got off a financed Harley or jet ski, nothing is wrong with financing but its to easy to now be an off- roader. When yesterday you were insert latest fab here---- of course no one cares so I'll get off the soap box. booyang
Yea we swung by there one night but you wasn't there, and I totally understand where you are coming from you and your crew have a lot of hard work into the park and I appreciate it as well as everyone else I'm sure! Keep up the good work!
WTFF? Seriously? There is 1500 acres that the rzrs have had the run of. If you're dumb enough to hit the big stuff and wreck your **** then too damn bad. Whiney ass pussies. :flipgotcha:
Is it a case of whiny ass pussies or the county fearing a lawsuit from the people flipping down the hill. Had a crawler, now on a sxs to haul the kiddos around and am gathering the pieces to build another crawler. Like somebody stated, most of the sxs crowd is the fad crowd that mighty just been making payments on a boat, Harley or whatever and think they can instantly get one and do the same **** they just seen on YouTube. Fact is with this being a county run park, if a accident keeps occurring in the same spot, they will try and fix it or close it down before they get sued. Little rain and wheel traffic and it will be back to normal. Good thing about hills, rain, and dirt trails, no matter how much you blade it, water will eat away at it due to the funnel effect of the banks. Hell, 2 years from now that hill might be 2FT deeper into the side of that hill and could be easier or harder depending on what's underneath?
grcthird said:
Any time any part of any government is involved in something, good things get screwed up. I could care less about the RZR vs crawler vs bouncer bs, we're all offroaders.

It does PISS ME OFF that a group of guys VOLUNTEERED their time, efforts and energy to make something better and it gets destroyed.


Like y'all said, the good thing is that with a couple good rains & some full size traffic it'll be back to normal. All they are doing is pushing some topsoil over the rock ledge.

There's a couple other trails within 100yds of that one that are tough (but fun) for sxs's but less danger of rolling 5 times back down.

There's a sign on the way in that says Jeeps Only. Just like the mud section that says "atv's only" and says something about full size rigs on trail will be fined.

Some trails are just not meant for certain rigs. Just a matter of people having the common sense, or not enjoying too many 12oz stupids, to know their abilities.

thomasbynum said:
Some trails are just not meant for certain rigs. Just a matter of people having the common sense, or not enjoying too many 12oz stupids, to know their abilities.

Well, I have good news.....I thought the hill had been ripped down and then bladed. That is why I went ballistic. Turns out my blasphemous prayers were answered. Rain showed up, dirt made its way halfway down the hill so it is a ****ing quagmire, but the rocky hill is still there.

Come all ye Bouncers and RZR's that want to get Yardsaled .......this hill lives long enough to try and claim some more
Here's a picture from today


I didn't make it out, but Robert, Brad and Bobby did