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Prayer for LandSpeeder/ Eric Hagan

My ol lady read me the facebook post. I havent texted him because he said he wouldnt get back but hagan is a good dude. The big c is scary and i wish him the best.
I hate to hear this about anyone. Eric is a good dude for sure. I hope the procedure goes well and you have a speedy recovery big guy.
Hope he gets better. I follow him on Instagram and he's always posting some good ****. Met him once at Hawk Pride and miss seeing him on here. He always had something funny or insightful to post.

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Saw that on Facebook. I hate to hear that. Prayers his way.
He rode with some of us yesterday, we had a good time and he was in good spirits as always. Love this guy, and hoping he beats this ****.
I gave him a taco a margarita and a hug on Saturday. Seems to be keeping his head up but it's early in the game.
Man, I'm in tears. I just ran across this thread. It truly means a lot. Genuinely humbled by the love.
I was responding to a text last night and it hit me. Slapped me HARD. I HAVE CANCER.
It will do one of two things, kill me, or make me stronger as a person. But it will not make me wholly weaker as a person.
Love ya'll, thanks for the prayers and positive vibes.
Eric, you bring joy and light everywhere you go... every time I have been around you you have been positive and easygoing with a joke and a smile. You are one of the few people on this board I have made a conscious effort to try to get to know you better, because nothing does me better than to surround myself with selfless people, But my crazy schedule always seems to get in the way.
We all have our ups and downs and personality flaws but I can honestly say this board is better when you are active on it. that goes for any trail ride I've been on with you also.
I'd rather take my big goofy rig and follow around an awesome group of guys in trail rigs/DD running easy trails, than a group of ass hats in bouncers any day.
It don't bother me in the least to type this on an open forum, I'll pray for you
Love you brother.
**** cancer.

Sushi is on me SEC playoff week. Don't leave me hanging...
He's a true class act, always funny and lending a hand , cancer never strikes an asshole , I don't know why that is but it seems to hit the nicest people ! He has a good support system and that's half the battle !

You've beaten so much already, Eric. I have faith that you will beat this too. Kick ass, my fake internet friend! thumb.gif
LandSpeeder said:
Man, I'm in tears. I just ran across this thread. It truly means a lot. Genuinely humbled by the love.
I was responding to a text last night and it hit me. Slapped me HARD. I HAVE CANCER.
It will do one of two things, kill me, or make me stronger as a person. But it will not make me wholly weaker as a person.
Love ya'll, thanks for the prayers and positive vibes.

If you're not getting a response from your DRs down there, Mine helped me kick oral cancer. Yash Patil at University of Cincinnati.

DONT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER. Get pissed, cry, then fight. repeat as necessary
Here's hoping they caught it early. My dad was cleared last year for cancer in his esophagus and they removed some pieces, burnt them off, even cut out a section and reattached it, and he was able to avoid any chemo or anything like that. It was a long process, almost a year, but he's cancer free now. I know it sounds hokey and all but look into juicing. It's got tons of benefits and has been known outside the medical field to help if not get rid of certain cancers. Thoughts and prayers sent your way for a speedy recovery, I mean speed is in your name on here so we'd expect nothing less.

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