Amen, that's all that matters and so good to hear. Jesus took the hardline to Calvary and paid a debt that you and I couldn't pay and then offered us the greatest gift of all eternal life. If we just all would realize how frail life is and be ready when he calls us to go. Too many think they have to get their lives in order and then come to Jesus but truthfully we come to Jesus just as we are all muddied up by the sins of life, all beaten and bruised by poor choice's and shortcomings. That's when He loves us the most. The Bible does not say He died for us when we had it altogether. It says while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He loved us when we were at our worst and accepts us just like we are. Then through that relationship with him the Holy Spirit will guide us and help us on our spiritual journey as we strive to carry our own Cross Dailey and follow him taking the hardline. Amen