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Nah man, thats the name of some Yota truggy I saw at Grayrock... in bold big lettering right across the windshield !! laughing1
P said:
Nah man, thats the name of some Yota truggy I saw at Grayrock... in bold big lettering right across the windshield !! laughing1
You told me that years back and I still laugh and use it from time to time.
... only in alabama is putting a big sticker about yer inter-family relations applauded :drinkers:

Dood had a chick riding around with him too... that was the best part ! molaugh
P said:
Dood had a chick riding around with him too... that was the best part ! molaugh

I lubb that town :drinkers: pepper.gif thumb.gif booyang :woody:

Bones, chick tonight is from Iowa---moved to Independence like a year ago pepper.gif I was busy last night but I promise 2 post pics tonight thumb.gif
Bones said:
Independance....that's a classy town

Where is she from in Iowa?


Couldn't even tell you where in Iowa--I forgot already..

Yep Independence is how u spell klassy wit a K. She's a transplant so there's a slight chance she's not total trash.. laughing1 laughing1 laughing1 fugg it's the internet :dunno: I don't have high expectations. Probably another misrepresenting weirdo.
Bones... well im an asshole cause its' not Independence.. it's Liberty.. and she's from a small town 30 min north of Souix City, IA.. She moved to Liberty because hat's where her sister is teaching--she wants outta that area though, likes it more toward OP area where her other sister lives... Grubb'd some Carrabas and then grabbed some beers at Fuel afterwards... She's actually normal/cool as hell... on the right in first pic...

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You got it locked down for an after work special dont you ? This thread is finally going to have the ending it was meant to have ! laughing1 pepper.gif
Lunch went great, she paid and has massive hoots. pepper.gif

Her friends are egging her on about me too so it's in the bag.

Does not have kids this weekend and will be in proximity to where I will be tonight with Heather (the other one I went on a date with) thumb.gif
" She's a hungry lil fella "

YES, the coug hunter is back in action !! This thread lives ! loller.gif pepper.gif

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