Bought some block off plates today so im good now.
Well I didnt get the head back today so Im still cleaning the block to get a good seal for the new headgasket. I think i might take off the weber and clean it up tonight too.
Got the head back today looking all pretty, it was warped pretty bad he said so it was a good thing i got it decked and it only cost me $30 for the machine work. Started putting everyhting back together tonight should be done tomorrow. Im waiting on my EGR block off plates from LCE and a started from a buddy then I can fire it up again. Ive also been working on cleaning everything up under the hood so it looks nice again. I still need to clean the block off so it looks good to matchthe head. Looks way better than a couple of days ago alreday.
Should I get new head bolts? I was told there strech bolts and they need to be replaced or it wont torque down properly. Let me know.
Next on the list is to clean up the wireing, Im going for the look Crash gets:awesomework: so ill see how it turn out.
Ok ive had about 50/50 for people telling me i need to replace them. All I need to do is torqe the cam bolts and head bolts but i figured ide ask about the head bolts before i put them in.
Ok ive had about 50/50 for people telling me i need to replace them. All I need to do is torqe the cam bolts and head bolts but i figured ide ask about the head bolts before i put them in.
half and half, huh? look at which half wheels and wrenches and it works. :awesomework: Dont listen to the half that is still reading how to do it on the web.:looser:
Clean the bolts real good with a wire wheel and get them clean. Clean threads torque properly. Retorque it later too.:beer:
Watch for pitting from corrosion after you've cleaned 'em. If they not pitted out, I'd use 'em...can't tell you how many 20R/22R heads I've done, and used the original bolts on most...
Watch for pitting from corrosion after you've cleaned 'em. If they not pitted out, I'd use 'em...can't tell you how many 20R/22R heads I've done, and used the original bolts on most...
Wehn I pulled the head off the gasket looked newer so I think the PO didnt clean it good enough or get the head decked so it leaked again. The exhaust gasket looked brand new too and the head bolts look in good shape (no pitting or anything) so i think he migght have changed them before.
How did the cooling ports look around the edge of the combustion chambers? Were they getting pitted/eat out or look fresh?
Lots of people will claim a bad head gasket and fix it just to have it happen 1-3 months later when the coolant finally eats thu the gasket cuz there is no metal behind it clamping it tight. It blows the gasket and the PO replaces it not thinking to look for pitting before sealing it up.
If the heads cooling jackets not eatin up I file the head till its clean and make sure the cam rolls smooth, not warped. A curled up head tends to have cam damage that can be felt (tight) and seen if the caps off. I try not to get the head decked if I can avoid it. I think the thicker and close to stock the head is the better. If a head been shaved three times before you have it done it might make the timing chain an unhappy slapper.
Well there was some electralosis(sp) on the head and a little nit of a high spot on the block so i carefully sanded it down to smooth and thats where it was leaking at. It should be good now. I made sure the surfaces were good and the machinest stoped by to check it out before I started putting it back together.
Got the thermostat covered. I finished putting everything back together and started on cleaning more of the engine bay and the wiring. i also vacumed out the inside and mounted my truck box in the bed and mounted my rear bumper back on.
I went to start it thou and nothing, All I could hear was the fuel pump but the starter didnt kick out so im taking a break and checking it out later tonihgt. hopefully get that figured out so it will run again.
My grandpa made this tool box about 25 years ago and ive had it in every truck ive owned
Sounds like you are missing a ground or maybe you missed one of the connections for the starter. . . Had the samething with my toyota and it was the power cable 2 the starter. . . . Just sumthing 2 check.
Well another day of chasing wireing trying to figure out why it wont start. We can start it by jumping the starter but not by turning on the key. The wireing is a mess with tons of wires cut which is making it difficult. On a good note I got my hy steer and power steering put on and ordered my ifs box mount from trailgear so when that gets here i can mount the box and be done with the steering.
Well I decided to do duals now and gears later so hopefully getting them tomorrow or thursday. The duals are 21 spline with stock gears in both cases, trail gear dual cross member and a rear drivline off blaksi's 79 toyota. I pulled my case and drivlines tonight so all i need to do is cut a hole in the floor and bolt everything together. Runnng up to get the cases and stuff and blakes front and rears springs and shackles tomorrow. Hopefully pulling everything off his truck in the morning and putting everything on mine inthe afternoon/night. I also got a package from trail gear with my shifter nobs and IFS box mount. Ill post some pics tomorrow night when eveything is done. All I need now is some extra cash to get gears and longs and it will be ready to wheel.
If anyone has some 35-37 inch tiress for 15" rims let me know:awesomework: looking for some with 50% tread for now and on the cheap.