Well-Known Member
So the next thing was the steering. I was going to add another U-joint to the mix but I came to the conclusing there just wasn't enough room for another one. So I went and cut the bearing assemble off the hub and popped it back into the splines. I have found from past rigs that you have some side to side movement in the splines on the orbitral so doing it this way has proved to work extreemly well.
Here is the shaft now..
So at this point I thought I had the steering prblem licked. Well I went to try it out and it was still binding up except I could feel the steering shaft and there was some lateral movement in it which told me thats not the problem.
This is where I started playing around. At first I thought it was the orbitral binding up interanally but I had come to the conclusion that it wasn't--or at least thats not what I saw. So I went and cracked the pressure hose loose at the orbitral and there was hardly anything coming out at idle. I then tightend it back up and turned it lock to lock---and didn't get the typical noise from the pump that you would expect.
Then I went and wound the motor up/down and then all of a sudden the thing started turning good. So I went and got the air out and did some hot laps--this lil thing really zings good. So now the steering is working perfect.
So for now we wil keep and eye on it and see what happens....
could it have been some sort of vapor lock that got released when you cracked the hose......