So we ran into a minor snag today. The Griffin radiator is huge, and hangs down about an inch lower than the factory unit. On full suspension compression, the steering linkage comes up and just contacts the lower radiator hose outlet on the passenger side. I think the best solution is going to be to cut the lower outlet off the radiator and re-attach it at an upward angle, rather than coming straight out as it does now. The radiator is going to Dean @ Bent Metal Customs tomorrow for the modification. Once that's done, we'll get radiator hoses on it and should be ready to run and warm up. Then the only parts I'm waiting on are the oil and trans. dipsticks and shift linkage from Lokar, which I'm hoping show up tomorrow. Also spent some time today touching up some black paint, tidying up some wiring, and a few other little detail items. Huge thanks to Eli for all the time spent fitting, refitting and installing parts and performing most of the swap, and Jason for handling the wiring aspect of things. Once it's all together, it's gonna go up to Performance Prep in Federal Way for some ECM programing and dyno tuning. I wanted to make a hangover run on Friday, but not looking like it's gonna happen.