photo bucket broke, so no pics
That pin was 1/16 above the edge. LPG is still coming out with just the key on though. I repositioned the end of the lever with the rubber pad since it didn't seem to sit flush, but neither seemed to help since I still had a leak (smaller than before!) while the key was on. I removed the top again and turned the key on, and I can see that the gas is pushing that whole arm up. Not sure how heavy the spring is supposed to be, but is it possible the gas pressure is too high? Is that little silver metal thing near the inlet supposed to seal up or reduce pressure?
Edit: I wedged another spring under the arm. Still leaked, but slower. I went and pushed down on the orange flapper and it took quite a bit of pressure to seal it off. Not from leaks/cracks/holes, but to overcome actual pressure. I removed my other spring and slowly let off, but it still had quite a bit of force that the stock green spring would not be able to seal.
So... should I be running some sort of regulator? I have the AFC 121 lock off, and the nut on top was barely tight. This looks like it can be turned down quite a bit. What does it do? Google was surprisingly not helpful