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Reminds me that my roommate had no idea how to write a check until I showed him.
He has no savings (IE blows through his money like nobody's business).
He doesn't have a drivers licence (not sure I would trust him behind the wheel anyway).
He can't cook for ****.
But he can destroy half the galaxy on whatever game is running on his computer 24/7.
He's 30yo.

So I do understand what you guys are saying.

BTW both you guys stories are awesome :D
Everybody says they should have a class to teach life lessons like changing tire, balancing checkbook, managing money, etc.....but I firmly believe that is 100% the parents' job. The change in the ***** ass ignorant kids popping up everywhere is a direct result of the change in parenting.

The kid that didn't know **** about propane probably grew up without a father figure in his life and was not exposed to atmospheres where propane was ever a topic of discussion.

My wife and I have bouts over similar **** with her son. He turns 10 next week. He's a good kid but like all kids needs his ass straightened out at times. They've had baseball tournaments this week. Yesterday before the game they all got down on one knee around the coaches to pray before the game and all the kids are knealt hats off and eyes closed saying the prayer out loud as someone walks around them to video it then posts it to Facebook. I'm at work, I see the video and begin watching it, it pans around to where her son Weston is, and he's looking at one of the other kids ****ing off with a mischievious smirk on his face. The wife saw it as no big deal, but I see it as a reflection on the parents. All the kids were being respectful and mature except one.....I made my stance clear about it, but if he were mine I would have busted his ass and grounded him for a couple weeks over that ****. The wife's usual excuse is "Well, he's a kid" then I say well if you always treat him like a kid, he'll always be a kid..... Now she is a good mother and keeps him in line for the most part, but there's some things like that we view differently.
A friend's ex wife didn't know how to get to work without gps...

I thought it was a joke. Nope, apparently she never cared enough to pay attention, and used gps to go literally everywhere, always putting on make up and playing on her phone.

Most of "us" would be pretty amazed at how many people don't know how to do anything. People who live in the city and rent their entire life and never own a car, so they have zero reason to learn how to maintain anything, and people who just choose to pay others to do maintenance on everything.

Heck I know a guy that has been self employed his entire life, farmed, and raised cattle. Doesn't know how to work on or fix anything...

I've always been the type to buy a tool and learn to do something myself vs paying someone else, that's how I was raised. But now I'm starting to see the value in paying for work, but I still get hung up on the fact that I can't guarantee the quality of any work except my own...and people still expect to get paid for subpar work
I have 2 examples of this, my son who I adopted at 3 years of age is totally freaking clueless when it comes to fixing something, I showed him how to pretty much do any basic repairs and maintenance to a vehicle, last week he calls me to say his rear brake is making a noise, he sends me a pic and I say that caliper is stuck and has ruined the rotor and it just didn't start making that noise, he takes his car to a shop and pays 862 bucks to get caliper and rotor and brakes, I about ****, I've showed him how to do that job, he says he don't wanna screw it up, too lazy to do probably
Second is my brothers father in law, borrowed his power washer and calls and says it's not spraying any water but it's running, my brother goes down and he doesn't have any hose hooked to it and actually ruined the pump, guy said he thought they made they're own water, this is a 60 something retired man who held a good job all his life Man some people are just dumb
TBItoy said:
A friend's ex wife didn't know how to get to work without gps...

I thought it was a joke. Nope, apparently she never cared enough to pay attention, and used gps to go literally everywhere, always putting on make up and playing on her phone.

Most of "us" would be pretty amazed at how many people don't know how to do anything. People who live in the city and rent their entire life and never own a car, so they have zero reason to learn how to maintain anything, and people who just choose to pay others to do maintenance on everything.

Heck I know a guy that has been self employed his entire life, farmed, and raised cattle. Doesn't know how to work on or fix anything...

I've always been the type to buy a tool and learn to do something myself vs paying someone else, that's how I was raised. But now I'm starting to see the value in paying for work, but I still get hung up on the fact that I can't guarantee the quality of any work except my own...and people still expect to get paid for subpar work

There are reasons a lot of people don't do a lot of stuff themselves when referring to self employed and others that have great responsibilities with work. At some point, a man's time is worth more than what it costs to pay someone else to do some stuff for you. Running into a little bit of that myself. I don't hardly have **** for free time anymore. Every now and then I have a whole free Saturday, but most the time its that I have a free Saturday night and maybe half a day or possibly all day free on Sunday, but most sundays are spent catching up on things around the house and doing my own homework. So when we go to remodel the wife's house to get it ready to rent, I'd love to have the time to dive in and learn a lot of it myself, but we'll probably hire a carpenter to do most all of it. I fix little things that tear up on the one rental she has now, just replaced an electric cooktop over there Friday morning before work, but we had some mold pop up as a result of cracked and leaking windows that have been left overlooked in a bedroom there. The room had to be gutted with new carpet and sheetrock, paint, etc. Hired a carpenter because no way in hell either of us have the time to do it =$2,440. Ouch.

Wife works anywhere from 40-55 hrs a week, carries Weston to his ball practice and games 3 or 4 nights a week. I work 40 hrs a week, go to school, and we both try to handle responsibilities with the 2 rentals we have going now. She helps Weston with his homework every night while I'm at work, I keep 3 yards mowed that total around 4-5 acres. She is a tightwad and has trouble turning money loose to pay someone to do something we could probably do ourselves, but **** me, I'm getting tired of working what feels like 24/7. For example, if we can afford it, I'd rather pay somebody to do some work on a Saturday for us while we go ride the motorcycle and enjoy taking a fawking break.
I agree with most of you guys. My boys are young but they are made to do things themselves and learn consequences. They break something, they fix it or don't have it anymore.

I know a few high school seniors. Someone put together a thing where folks could write inspirational messages and what not for them. They asked for everyone to Print it, since the kids didn't learn hand writing. I was like WTF. I know they don't teach it in school, but they should pick it up somewhere along the way.
I paid for an oil change on the wife's jeep the other day. That's maybe the 2nd time I've ever paid for an oil change. Im really considering getting a nicer tire machine and balancer. 120 bucks to mount and balance tires is dumb.

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ranger11 said:
I paid for an oil change on the wife's jeep the other day. That's maybe the 2nd time I've ever paid for an oil change. Im really considering getting a nicer tire machine and balancer. 120 bucks to mount and balance tires is dumb.

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$120?! $60 around here. I pay to have my vehicles oil changed, but change oil in my motorcycle and lawn mower at home. It's worth the extra $15 or so per pop not to have to store/discard old oil and take the time to do it. Just whoop in Jiffy lube on way to work, stand around and bullshit with the owner, gone on my happy way in 10 minutes or less.
Yeah since you know 35" tires are so big. I have a tire machine but I modded the arm to do 37" and up tires. So I have to pay for smaller tires unless I don't care if the wheel gets scratched.

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Well..... that's 17 seconds of my life I'll never get back..............
My .02, when they took away saying the Pledge of Allegiance in classrooms and the God given right to spank your own child, THIS COUNTRY opened the door for every attorney and excuse to not reprimand your child. I guess they can haul my ass off to jail anytime now.

A couple of weeks ago two older ladies in a SUV pulled in the driveway next door while I was weedeating. I kept on weedeating till I noticed a young guy in his car pull up beside them and pop the hatch and they all looked confused. I then noticed they had a flat tire on the Suv and walked over and asked if they needed help . The guy didn't have a clue . I walked back to my garage got the Jack, impact and sockets . Told the guy to go ahead get the spare , I get back over there and the guy had no clue where or how to even get the spare . Long story short I changed the tire and told the lady to pull in my drive so I could put air in the spare for her . I was mind blown that a 18 or older guy couldn't even change a tire !!!! I even text Jon and asked if that was normal these days , sadly my reply was yes !

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I'm in the generation y'all are talking about (I'm 22), but I was not raised the way most others my age were. (probably why I have no friends my age).

There were definitely times I would try so hard to not pay attention and to get out of work when my dad or mom was teaching me something. They'd make me do it anyways. They never let me get out of work that I remember. Whether it was painting the hallway, fixing the water heater, giving the calf a bottle, or changing oil. I couldn't go or do ANYTHING until I got what needed to be done for that day finished. We turned a plain 5 acres into a "small farm". We fenced about 3 acres (all by hand), built 3 regular barns, build a big nice hog barn, we have a big garden every year, built a 40x60 shop, pool and deck we built and put in, and we've remodeled my parents house twice. Plus all the tree clearing and grading to make all that possible and having all kinds of different animals to take care of. It was project after project growing up, but dad just wanted us to learn how to do stuff. When we got done working outside with dad, our mom made us cook supper for the family or do laundry, do the dishes, scrub bathrooms, etc. Heck, I had a broken leg in a cast (no weight bearing) and he made me roll around on some dollies and put all the lag bolts into the concrete to hold the walls up in the shop we were building. :****:

There were times I hated my parents when I got into that rebellious stage, but now that I'm older and on my own I really appreciate everything he done for me and my dad has become one of my best friends. There are some things I didn't pick up very well (like carpentry work that is actually to code) but then there's other things I can do my dad can't (like welding/fabricating). So we trade work now when we need it.

My advice, would be to have some patience with them and continue to teach and make them learn. My dad has never yelled or screamed at me. He'd get aggravated and walk off a minute, but he always calmed down and talked me through what I did wrong and why. I got my butt busted plenty of times for stupid stuff, but dad always make it clear exactly why and he never whooped us when he was angry. I think the worst part as a kid was knowing I was getting a whooping when I got home from school and having to wait all day and that school bus ride home just to get one. Its hard to have patience like that, but I think that is what set my parents apart from a slave driver. Lol

I'm having my first kid, a boy, next month. He will be raised the same way. I'm looking for some grown up property now so he can experience all I did.. Only difference is we have no tractor or equipment growing up and we got all that now. I still may make him dig all the water lines by hand. Lol
TacomaJD said:
There are reasons a lot of people don't do a lot of stuff themselves when referring to self employed and others that have great responsibilities with work. At some point, a man's time is worth more than what it costs to pay someone else to do some stuff for you. Running into a little bit of that myself.
"Can't do" and "made the decision to pay to have it done after looking at time vs money" are two different things. Nick talking about a farmer that CAN'T fix ****, that is rough. Dad still has farmer friends that drag their **** in to me or him to fix weekly as they just can't figure it out. Like CAN'T. Blows my mind. We fix anything. Doesn't matter
mashyermotor said:
A couple of weeks ago two older ladies in a SUV pulled in the driveway next door while I was weedeating. I kept on weedeating till I noticed a young guy in his car pull up beside them and pop the hatch and they all looked confused. I then noticed they had a flat tire on the Suv and walked over and asked if they needed help . The guy didn't have a clue . I walked back to my garage got the Jack, impact and sockets . Told the guy to go ahead get the spare , I get back over there and the guy had no clue where or how to even get the spare . Long story short I changed the tire and told the lady to pull in my drive so I could put air in the spare for her . I was mind blown that a 18 or older guy couldn't even change a tire !!!! I even text Jon and asked if that was normal these days , sadly my reply was yes !

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I used to work as a tow truck driver.

You have no idea how many people have no clue how to change a tire and just call the tow truck. That's why AAA and other companies have quick response vehicles that actually aren't tow trucks. If you have a battery booster, a jack, an impact and a 12v compressor you can do 50% of the calls.

And even if the people that are stranded do know how to change a tire, they never check the air pressure in it and it's flat in 90% of the cases.

When you check the tire pressure of your car, check the spare too thumb.gif
I have mixed experiences with this so I will tell it from both sides first my personal belief is to quit coddling children, the point of being a kid is to learn lessons soak up knowledge so when a parent does everything for that kid it doesn't have a chance to learn then it become expected behavior and the child will never try it on their own. Now on the flip side everyone learns differently and at different pace example me and my older brother raised exactly the same both given opportunities and we couldn't be more different people. We both were taught the same skill set and life lessons but as adults we are opposite. It is sad that the younger generation doesn't have these basic life skills and or knowledge that most of us are a custom to because it is so hard to teach them once they get into the work force. A good test I use for new hire mine labors is I tell them to go grab a certain size wrench and you can tell a lot about someone by how hard a time or how long it take to find said wrench. But as enzo pointed out the older generations have down falls as well I have multiple workers who are literally the perfect employee but they will never move up bc the just won't learn new skills or step out of their comfort zone when it come to new technology
Re: Re: Propane

blacksheep10 said:
"Can't do" and "made the decision to pay to have it done after looking at time vs money" are two different things. Nick talking about a farmer that CAN'T fix ****, that is rough. Dad still has farmer friends that drag their **** in to me or him to fix weekly as they just can't figure it out. Like CAN'T. Blows my mind. We fix anything. Doesn't matter
I'm no farmer and I also can't fix this tractor. And by can't fix, I mean I can't find a damn joystick anywhere on the internet that will fit this setup, nor RC cables like this to just change cables AND joystick. Help me, I can't fix it! Lol.



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