Brand new toys for his birthday and this is what my 2 year old wants to do.
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rpf500 said:I was working in the shop this weekend and didn't hear the little one making much noise. So, I went to check on him and this is what I caught him doing.....
lowbudgetjunk said:Looks like he was getting that little 2wd unstuck from the mud with his big ol Jeep Crawler.Whats the problem?
rpf500 said:Yeah, kids have great imaginations. The bubble lawn mower that he was pulling out saw more usage yesterday than it did all last summer!
Here is a picture of my oldest at her final dad/daughter dance this past Saturday. And one of what I call the "drama club". I mentioned a week ago not really wanting to go and the wife quickly said...."this is the last year that you will be the male taking her to a dance". And with that GUT PUNCH, I quickly agreed to go.
Dan Dibble said:My son Nick (17) shooting his second 50 straight last week at trap practice. For those who have been wondering what I have been up to, this is mostly it.
lowbudgetjunk said:She is precious....how old is she? My little girl is 4 and she is already starting to pull away a lot more than I want. And having a daddy daughter dance sounds awesome. Is it through her school?
My little one does want to go rock crawling every day and reminds me that I need to put my transfer case back together and to quit taking Bobby.
Derek12v said:
lowbudgetjunk said:My silly boy and my goofball daughter. She helped cut a trail at Stony today while he kept my wife company. Dinner with a nut at the end of the day.
ranger11 said:My boys will be 2 next week. Seems like it was last week when they were born.