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Re: Re: Public service announcement

TacomaJD said:
Sure sign of a good time! I hate all day hangovers lol. I used to get them all the time, i try not to drink like that anymore. I might overdo it a few times a year now, but rarely have hangovers anymore. I try to drink just enough to catch a buzz and maintain it instead of getting hammered ass. But anybody that drinks vodka and Coors piss water is on a fawkin mission anyway! Lol

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Felt like **** but helped dad build stalls in the new barn. Felt like **** but powered through.
Allright I'm bumping this back up. A situation I will not name has arisen again. If you are a member here and have contributed enough for the regulars to recognize you and a situation arises that you feel you need to make public do it correctly. Don't beat around the bush and try to get people to jump on your band wagon. You must have proof you approached said party to try to resolve the issue privately And just come out and speak your beef. The guessing games feel too much like drama to me and ain't nobody got time for that.
No....he's the only person that POSTED that. I'm a paranoid / skeptical / doomsday analysis / worst case scenario planner.

I see all that isn't there. :)

Just part of being a / \ / \ 4 $ () I \ I .
Alright children im bumping this back up. Multiple screen names really? I dont even understand the reasoning behind this? I can only come up with a few reasons.
1. You want to do shady **** or scared to voice your opinion so you make an account to be a douche and one to look like a nice guy.
2. Its a dumb little man ego type thing where you are stroking your own ego. Kinda like talking about yourself in 3rd person.
3. Its actually a mental problem like split personalities and you dont realize your doing it
4. You werent loved enough when you were little so you have to do something outside the box for attention.

I never thought someone would do this outside of maybe being funny like robby bobby but damn. At one time i would do as much as i could for anyone on this forum. I have privatly contacted people on this site and givin parts away i wasnt using just to help a fellow hardliner out. **** like this is why i dont trust anybody.
BUG-E J said:
Alright children im bumping this back up. Multiple screen names really? I dont even understand the reasoning behind this? I can only come up with a few reasons.
1. You want to do shady **** or scared to voice your opinion so you make an account to be a douche and one to look like a nice guy.
2. Its a dumb little man ego type thing where you are stroking your own ego. Kinda like talking about yourself in 3rd person.
3. Its actually a mental problem like split personalities and you dont realize your doing it
4. You werent loved enough when you were little so you have to do something outside the box for attention.

I never thought someone would do this outside of maybe being funny like robby bobby but damn. At one time i would do as much as i could for anyone on this forum. I have privatly contacted people on this site and givin parts away i wasnt using just to help a fellow hardliner out. **** like this is why i dont trust anybody.

I agree, it sucks that people would do that but I've been suspicious of this for a couple years. I smelled out batshit the 2nd time and I've thought about a couple others having different screen names. I think they should be banned. And put there names out. A person that would do that is up to no good :gtfo:
We need to stick together and continue to watch each other's back in more ways than one. This board is all about you and what you love to do. WHEEL. It's not just about racing or riding or any other individual facet about off reading, it's about all of them. We all bring something to the table and help each other out, here and on the trail and everywhere in between. We need to continue to stick together and continue to grow as a family and weed out the controversial people and defuse issues as they arise. I personally thought I knew most of you. I was sooo wrong. There are so many more of you guys that I have newly met and call my friends and a part of this wheeling family. Hopefully 2018 will be even better and bring forth even bigger events as the year progresses. John G is still with us in spirit and would be proud of us continuing to ride it HIS honor. Gregg

True fact this board is what you make it, yes there are alot of damn good guys here. That said there will always be dudes that either dont get it or just plain dont give a fug. Dont let some keyboard bullshit rile you up or poison the forum.
Time for me to confess......

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Well said, Gregg. You do a fine job managing a board full of misfits. :****:

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
^^ :tc ^^

It is a thankless job, your doing a good job. I think you have proven yourself to anyone who had any doubts about your ability to herd this group of mentally challenged cats.