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Racing in Rainier WA

So whats the low down for that weekend? is it just raceing?

This is the info that was emailed to me...Don

25th Annual Playday
Memorial Day Weekend 2010
May 29th & 30th
Location: Cadillac Ranch Motorsports Inc.
Barrels (kids and adults)
Kids Course
Pull Toys
Texas Hold Em' (benefiting Relay for Life)
King & Queen
Dance (Following Trophies)
$75.00 Entry Fee
$10.00 Tech Fee (Drivers 16 & over)
$10.00 Spectator Fee (Per Day, non-camping)
For More Information Please contact:
Cody Peterson 360.879.5430
BJ Butler 360.832.2960
i'll be there on sat. my buddy is entering his cherokee on saturday for the barrel races. never been out there before so i hope its fun :cheer:.
never mind the cherokee, fixed a couple things and took it on the hill climbs at my house and twisted the drivline. were too drunk and lazy to bust one out real quick. but well be there anyways.
Went there, nice place! Introduced myself to Rick (Binder), and he would be on it with the right tires.

I talked to Angie (PNW Pres. & Moonshiner member) and got clarification on Memorial weekend. $75.00 buys your whole family's camping, race fees, and admittance for the weekend. The $75.00 is one time per family but each driver has a $10.00 tech fee on top of that.
had fun watchin and getting a sun burn :D. very nice place for sure. hope to see it grow.
Went there, nice place! Introduced myself to Rick (Binder), and he would be on it with the right tires.

Good to meet you Don.:beer:

Yesterday was barrels in all classes and obstacle/ tough truck in all classes. It was a kick ass event!!
Cadillac ranch is a nice place and has potential to be a top notch motor sports venue. I urge everyone to attend a event there and check it out for yourself.:awesomework:

I learned yesterday that if you're the first one to go through a big mud hole on a race track to poke it with a stick or wade in slow first.......I hit a seemingly innocent hole in second gear and 7000 RPMs only to find the water on top of the mud was about "30 deep....Lets just say the water got EVERYWHERE.:haha: It was fun.:cheer:
Good to meet you Don.:beer:

Yesterday was barrels in all classes and obstacle/ tough truck in all classes. It was a kick ass event!!
Cadillac ranch is a nice place and has potential to be a top notch motor sports venue. I urge everyone to attend a event there and check it out for yourself.:awesomework:

I learned yesterday that if you're the first one to go through a big mud hole on a race track to poke it with a stick or wade in slow first.......I hit a seemingly innocent hole in second gear and 7000 RPMs only to find the water on top of the mud was about "30 deep....Lets just say the water got EVERYWHERE.:haha: It was fun.:cheer:
I didn't take any pics....

For the record Jay and I didn't get to race as they had us in different classes but he would have clearly whooped my azz.:011:

But I didnt get any stalkers....:booo::haha:

I was going to ask how it felt when you didnt suck down, without being timed it was hard to tell, but you looked like you ran faster.

You did pick up some nice bling for above the fire place!:cheer:

I keep on meaning to take pics, but it really kills my times!:fawkdancesmiley:

Good to meet you Don as well!
But I didnt get any stalkers....:booo::haha:

I was going to ask how it felt when you didnt suck down, without being timed it was hard to tell, but you looked like you ran faster.

I ended up running with the winches slightly sucked in for the safety sake of my stalker.:haha: I think I ran faster just due to learning the track better.....My neck is sore today from all the hard landings.:booo:
I ended up running with the winches slightly sucked in for the safety sake of my stalker.:haha: I think I ran faster just due to learning the track better.....My neck is sore today from all the hard landings.:booo:

Thats not from the hard landings, that is from you getting old....:;
had a awesome time. good to meet you again mallcrawler85. got 1st in drags,1st in 40+ bog and 2nd in unlimited bog. bobs jeep is just too dam fast. i wont miss an event. the boys at the ranch have done a awesome job on the course. anyone thinking of checking the place out should do it. :D
anyone thinking of checking the place out should do it. :D
I was going to rush and finish up my F350 so I can hit the mud bogs next month. I think that I should probably just go and watch this time. Maybe size up my competition haha. I bet most of you are running better tires with better engines. :flipoff: