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radiator/heater core repair?


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2009
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Ravensdale wa.
I pulled the heater core out of my dads 86 4runner and can not find a quality replacement. Toyota no longer produces them apparently and I dont want to gamble on a used one. Anyone know where I can have the core rebuilt?
Ive called around with no luck. These radiator shops seem to think im crazy talking about rebuilding a heater core and can hardly comprehend that someone in 2015 would actually remove there own heater core:wtf: Rebuilding radiators and heater cores used to be standard practice, right?
Nope didnt try tacoma radiator, you think they will have something better than the junk everyone else has tried to sell me?

I spent the day driving around talking to people with no real luck. I might have to attempt to rebuild this thing myself.
Maybe remove it first. Half the heater cores in toyotas that I thought were bad were just dry/corroded O-rings.

Toyota uses a two piece input/output tube. In the middle is a slip joint with a retaining ring a an oring. I nice cleaning of the joint inside and out and then a newly greased up oring and its good to go.

Ive put plenty of parts store special $40 heater cores also with no problems.

Im picky about radiators, but ya get what ya get with heater cores.
Maybe remove it first. Half the heater cores in toyotas that I thought were bad were just dry/corroded O-rings.

Toyota uses a two piece input/output tube. In the middle is a slip joint with a retaining ring a an oring. I nice cleaning of the joint inside and out and then a newly greased up oring and its good to go.

Ive put plenty of parts store special $40 heater cores also with no problems.

Im picky about radiators, but ya get what ya get with heater cores.

I removed it a few days ago. Its plugged up, not leaking from the o rings. Its my dads 4runner and its far from a weekend thrasher, so Id like to see the replacement work well and last for him. Those parts store cores just look so cheap.
Its frustrating, I did my core about a year ago. First place I tried gave me an aluminium one, I just couldn't bring myself to install it. So I tried napa and they gave me a real nice brass core. when I tried to install it it was about 3/4'' to long. I tried to take it back but all they could find to replace it where the cheap aluminum ones. They didnt even know where the brass one they gave me had come from:wtf: it was just some dumb luck that I ended up with it. So I took the nice brass one home, clearanced the box and made it fit. Works great.
Anyway, Im gonna hunt around a bit more and see what I can find. Hearing that the parts store cores have worked well for you makes me feel a bit better, if thats what it comes down to.
Fill it up with a clr/water mixture and let it sit for a couple days. Me and a friend tried it on a sami radiator, and poured half the weight of the radiator out in scale. I'm sure all that scale= thinner core, but it should at least work till you can find a replacement. As much as I hate to recommend them, Performance radiator in tacoma said they could rebuild my old brass chevy radiator, but I opted to replace it instead, but it might be worth a call to see if they can do heater cores too.
The cost to rebuild them these days just isn't worth it. But if you feel like driving around wasting your time. Performance Radiator on South Tacoma Way. Federal way radiator on Pac Hwy. Then the wrecking yard down bye the old RMC rebuilds them also.

I have installed plenty of the aluminum ones. Work fine.
x2 for 112th St Radiator. Just call Leon and ask his advise. He's a oldskool no bullshit kind of guy. If it can't be done or isn't worth it he'll be honest. Federal Way Radiator does good work too. Performance Rad isn't nearly as good as they used to be.
I wouldn't even sweat putting an aftermarket from an auto parts house like Napa. I run an auto repair shop and have installed hundreds of heater core/radiators from places like Napa, performance radiator, moose radiator etc over 18 years of business with no issues. Sure once in a long while you get a bad one but chances are very slim. No reason in my mind not to just get an aftermarket one. Being anal on some things is a good thing, but not on a heatercore. My .02.
Performance is NOT a high quality replacement. Same as all the parts store stuff.

Not talking down in them, but if somewhere else was cheaper, Id go there. PR is not worth ANY extra money.

VERY important if its aluminum (a good idea for brass/copper to) is to run a ground wire and ground the core to eliminate as much electrolysis as possible.

I ****in HATE aluminum radiators and heater cores.

BRASS COPPER all the way.
x2 for 112th St Radiator. Just call Leon and ask his advise. He's a oldskool no bullshit kind of guy. If it can't be done or isn't worth it he'll be honest. Federal Way Radiator does good work too. Performance Rad isn't nearly as good as they used to be.

X2 they been doing this chit longer than we have been alive!

Leon is a good dude and understands OEM toyota vs aftermarket.
Thanks guys. I went to 112th radiator and was very impressed :awesomework:. Leon confirmed my suspicions, there are no quality units available for the 4runner and that im between a rock and a hard place. Do to the placement of the core he recomended using the best unit I could get my hands on. My core is no good for rebuild so I'll likely find a rebuildable factory core.
Glad he was able to advise you. He saves me $1000's a year repairing things nobody else will touch but will be completely honest if he doesn't think it's worth it. Great guy.
Just a thought, but a couple years ago I was ticked off due to my heater blowing out while I had a broken right shoulder (and I'm right handed) so I cut the firewall to get access easier for changing it, then screwed a plate back on afterwards. It would take me 1/2 an hour to change it now.
Just the time devoted to thinking this whole thing out is enough time to change the core three times.

Just get the **** on it. Its a $30-40 core and a couple hours and its DONE!

Its a dang toyota, its not that tough to tear out the dash.

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