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Random Thoughts

Re: Random Thoughts

The older ya get the better ya was man. I learned long time ago to give up sports

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Re: Random Thoughts

Any other guys out there who feel they still have to prove something to themself as they get older?

I think I might have set myself up for failure: signed myself up for a "Tough Mudder Run" in Dallas on October 22nd. This is a 10 to 12 mile course with 18 to 20 obstacles on it. The only good thing is there is nooooo time limit and all the beer i can drink at the finish line. My only goal other then don't die is to finish the course.

Mortalis5509 said:
Playing kickball Wednesday and on the way to first in a full sprint I clipped the girls knee or she hit me. Regardless, I lost balance and tried to regain it with my right leg. Quick flash but I think I jammed my leg and then it shift inward.

Went to orthopedic because I couldn't walk on it today. They carried me off the field. Looked at my x ray and then stuck a needle in my right knee. Pulled nothing but blood. MRI is next week, but it's pretty solid I tore ACL and no telling what else.

At 14 I tore my left. I hear it's a 30 min out patient surgery but still 5 - 6 months of freaking rehab. Left knee has had 3 surgery and 2 screws in it. 1 take acl out. 2 to replace because I was so young the first time. Third because the hospital infected me with bacillus from the second surgery.

I hate crutches. 1.5 legs suck ass with pain. I'm damn near helpless until I can manage to walk in a week after swelling goes down.

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Tore your acl at 14 and it was a 30 min outpatient? Must be a youth thing. I tore both of mine at the end of my teens and never went to the doctor. One my first time on turf after high school in an all star game and one on a dirt one a yearish later. Walked/limped it off for 12ish years. I was finally on good insurance and knew I needed to have mine looked at as I had pain every day. Went in expecting a scope, doc pulls around and orders an mri. No acl in either knee. We did them both same day, both hamstring style sourced from me. I had built up a bunch of surrounding muscles around my knee and it wasn't a problem for me to play most sports. Still not sure I should have had them fixed. Still have pain and the rehab sucked. I did run my first 5k 3 months after surgery though. Push hard, do the rehab and it's a small bump for a couple months. My nerves are still all messed up on my shin from where they drill the plug through. Hard to kneel to work on stuff. Sucks gettin old
Re: Random Thoughts

Same here, 4 surgeries on the right knee, hamstring sourced, screws in top and bottom about 8 years ago. Rehab was terrible and like you I can't feel part of my shin either.
Re: Re:

blacksheep10 said:
Tore your acl at 14 and it was a 30 min outpatient? Must be a youth thing. I tore both of mine at the end of my teens and never went to the doctor. One my first time on turf after high school in an all star game and one on a dirt one a yearish later. Walked/limped it off for 12ish years. I was finally on good insurance and knew I needed to have mine looked at as I had pain every day. Went in expecting a scope, doc pulls around and orders an mri. No acl in either knee. We did them both same day, both hamstring style sourced from me. I had built up a bunch of surrounding muscles around my knee and it wasn't a problem for me to play most sports. Still not sure I should have had them fixed. Still have pain and the rehab sucked. I did run my first 5k 3 months after surgery though. Push hard, do the rehab and it's a small bump for a couple months. My nerves are still all messed up on my shin from where they drill the plug through. Hard to kneel to work on stuff. Sucks gettin old
Sorry can't type. I was 14 the first time. I'm 32 now but they are saying it's a 30 minute procedure. Laying in bed right now, still hurts because I haven't made it past the 48 hours for everything to stop swelling.

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Re: Re:

Mortalis5509 said:
Sorry can't type. I was 14 the first time. I'm 32 now but they are saying it's a 30 minute procedure. Laying in bed right now, still hurts because I haven't made it past the 48 hours for everything to stop swelling.

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Man, I know they did both of mine and had to harvest my hamstring (not recommended) and all, but I think I was there like 4 hours getting drilled and screwed on. Was Not outpatient for me either. I was walking after a few days, very tenderly, drove my buggy 11 days after surgery, just slowly laughing1
Re: Random Thoughts

13 months ago I sat in an office with three guys and told them their job had been cut and they would no longer be employed and listed all the reasons and explained to them I had a responsibility to do what was right for the company's sake and their jobs were the only ones that could be cut. Well I got the same speech today. First time I have had to look for a job in almost 12 years. :driving:
Re: Random Thoughts

kensdodge1 said:
I was just taking the buggy for a short hot lap when my worst fears were realized I decided to not put my harness on and somehow I managed to loose control of my rig when I hit my head and knocked myself out loosing consciousness. although there was hardly any damage to the buggy. When I came too I was in pretty bad shape with a broken jaw ,missing teeth. fractured skull, my ear torn off and severe nerve damage in my shoulder arm and hand. For all intent and purpose if it weren't for the fact of the people there or otherwise I prolly would be dead. had I takin the 2 minutes to strap myself in this all would have been avoided probably or at very least ended up with some bruises PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE pass this around on all your sites here on FB lets use theses seatbelts and helmets folks we put them in our rigs for a reason. love all yall and hate to see anything like this happen to any of my wheelin friends thanks

That is the saddest ****ing selfie I have ever seen!! Get well man, Glad you survived and are trying to get the word out to help others. We all think we are tough and we like danger or we would'nt do what we do. Thanks for the reminder that we are all just flesh and bone.
Re: Random Thoughts

money_pit_yj said:
13 months ago I sat in an office with three guys and told them their job had been cut and they would no longer be employed and listed all the reasons and explained to them I had a responsibility to do what was right for the company's sake and their jobs were the only ones that could be cut. Well I got the same speech today. First time I have had to look for a job in almost 12 years. :driving:

Wow that blows. What position were you in? Didn't you work for coop?
Re: Random Thoughts

pholmann said:
Wow that blows. What position were you in? Didn't you work for coop?

I was special projects manager for a big Coop in West Tn. I really worked myself out of a job. I took over all the areas nobody wanted to manage and integrated them into daily habits. I would have made the same call if I was in the position. I haven't been challenged in some time now so I am excited to get out of my comfort zone. This may be an opportunity for me to go into ministry full time. I am going to seek something new but also be very attentive to where God leads me. One bad part is that I'm not cranking black Betty until I have a job. Another season of little riding.
Re: Random Thoughts

money_pit_yj said:
I was special projects manager for a big Coop in West Tn. I really worked myself out of a job. I took over all the areas nobody wanted to manage and integrated them into daily habits. I would have made the same call if I was in the position. I haven't been challenged in some time now so I am excited to get out of my comfort zone. This may be an opportunity for me to go into ministry full time. I am going to seek something new but also be very attentive to where God leads me. One bad part is that I'm not cranking black Betty until I have a job. Another season of little riding.

Do you have a degree?

If there is anything remotely close to you that is energy related, apply! There will always be jobs in the energy field!
Re: Random Thoughts

TacomaJD said:
Do you have a degree?

If there is anything remotely close to you that is energy related, apply! There will always be jobs in the energy field!

I got too of them Juntz. 1 BS and 1 MS. It's still fresh.
Re: Random Thoughts

money_pit_yj said:
I got too of them Juntz. 1 BS and 1 MS. It's still fresh.

Well if you have a Masters in anything, you shouldn't have the first worry about finding a jay oh bee! Good luck man! Hoping I don't get that speech within the next year or two, our workload is looking grim for next year.
Re: Random Thoughts

Man I just read that about crashing with no harness.. FAWK me man. You go hard in the buggy don't ya? ****. The last 3 years and 40 or 50 rides later and I don't ever think I've done emogh to do that ****. Ouch. Maybe I'm a *****. I dunno but what ever I am Ill take it. **** that's terrible man. Hope you get better soon. Good lord.
I don't feel right without arleast the lap belt part on .. Hardly ever.. Hell I tighten my **** on the "good , bad , and ugly" at Morris. :wtflol:
Y'all fukers are really something else. :****:
Re: Random Thoughts

infamous1 said:
That is the saddest ****ing selfie I have ever seen!! Get well man, Glad you survived and are trying to get the word out to help others. We all think we are tough and we like danger or we would'nt do what we do. Thanks for the reminder that we are all just flesh and bone.
Man that's terrible as ****.. But I gotta tell us infamous I have seriously sat here and laughed so hard I'm crying at the first sentence. My buddy wiring my motor thinks I'm a moron. Hahahah I can't stop lid laughin...
Re: Random Thoughts

Sick as a dog today....I'm hurtin' Linda! Damn head cold got me down so low a mosquito wouldn't even bite me.
Re: Random Thoughts

TacomaJD said:
Sick as a dog today....I'm hurtin' Linda! Damn head cold got me down so low a mosquito wouldn't even bite me.
That was me the last 2 days. :****: