So a guy I have worked with since I have been here, older guy - age 53. Had came down with some bad health problems, partially his fault for refusing to go to the doctor until it got way too bad. Anyways, he needs a liver and kidney transplant to live, but because he is jehova's witness (I refuse to capitalize that term), he will not take a blood transfusion because of his religion so we just heard yesterday he chose to not receive any of it and I guess he will just lay in the hospital and die now. I mean 53 is rather young, my wife's dad was 53 when he died last year, but he was in a little worse shape with cancer and kidney disease. The guy was at work like nothing was wrong a month or so ago, now he's living out his final days in the hospital by his own choice because of his religion. I can't wrap my head around this and it's even somewhat hard for me to feel real sorry for him. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen. The kicker is if you knew this guy, he was the most dirty minded, perverted, foul mouthed person I've ever met. Funny as **** but literally the most vulgar person I've encountered in my 30 years of living....I guess I could understand it more if he "lived the life" of a highly religious man, but this **** is insane. I've seen some people do some really dumb **** in the name of religion and this is up there competing for 1st place.