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Random Thoughts

Re: Random Thoughts

tonybolton said:
#canthidemoney :-*

I wish every time you posted something about money that you would give $1 to the SFWDA. Or PayPal it to JD so he can get another leg. Or a different beer, or some mexican. :stir:
Re: Re: Random Thoughts

poolman said:
I wish every time you posted something about money that you would give $1 to the SFWDA. Or PayPal it to JD so he can get another leg. Or a different beer, or some mexican. :stir:
I like the way you think! I need new motorcycle monies! :D

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Re: Re:

poolman said:
That's $1
Correct....but 1$ alone won't help. You see...10 cents goes to our non profit council of fund management. 25 cents goes to the non profit management fund council.

Another 50 cents goes to the non profit community fund organization board. Lastly, 10 cents goes toward the organized board of fund raising. The last 5 cents goes into the give-a-penny-take-a-penny trays you see on your community.

However they cannot legally put a nickel in the penny tray. Therefore 3 cents must be given to the non profit coin exchange board in order to comply to process.

And that is why you always see at least 2 pennies in that tray. Support the shame....i mean game!!!
Re: Random Thoughts

So a guy I have worked with since I have been here, older guy - age 53. Had came down with some bad health problems, partially his fault for refusing to go to the doctor until it got way too bad. Anyways, he needs a liver and kidney transplant to live, but because he is jehova's witness (I refuse to capitalize that term), he will not take a blood transfusion because of his religion so we just heard yesterday he chose to not receive any of it and I guess he will just lay in the hospital and die now. I mean 53 is rather young, my wife's dad was 53 when he died last year, but he was in a little worse shape with cancer and kidney disease. The guy was at work like nothing was wrong a month or so ago, now he's living out his final days in the hospital by his own choice because of his religion. I can't wrap my head around this and it's even somewhat hard for me to feel real sorry for him. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen. The kicker is if you knew this guy, he was the most dirty minded, perverted, foul mouthed person I've ever met. Funny as **** but literally the most vulgar person I've encountered in my 30 years of living....I guess I could understand it more if he "lived the life" of a highly religious man, but this **** is insane. I've seen some people do some really dumb **** in the name of religion and this is up there competing for 1st place.
Re: Random Thoughts

TacomaJD said:
So a guy I have worked with since I have been here, older guy - age 53. Had came down with some bad health problems, partially his fault for refusing to go to the doctor until it got way too bad. Anyways, he needs a liver and kidney transplant to live, but because he is jehova's witness (I refuse to capitalize that term), he will not take a blood transfusion because of his religion so we just heard yesterday he chose to not receive any of it and I guess he will just lay in the hospital and die now. I mean 53 is rather young, my wife's dad was 53 when he died last year, but he was in a little worse shape with cancer and kidney disease. The guy was at work like nothing was wrong a month or so ago, now he's living out his final days in the hospital by his own choice because of his religion. I can't wrap my head around this and it's even somewhat hard for me to feel real sorry for him. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen. The kicker is if you knew this guy, he was the most dirty minded, perverted, foul mouthed person I've ever met. Funny as **** but literally the most vulgar person I've encountered in my 30 years of living....I guess I could understand it more if he "lived the life" of a highly religious man, but this **** is insane. I've seen some people do some really dumb **** in the name of religion and this is up there competing for 1st place.
Rag heads **** goats and blow up themselves, innocent people for their religion.
I'm having a brain issue at the moment but the one religion here that let's you marry as many women as you want. I mean who in their right mind wants multiple wives?
Re: Random Thoughts

That was compared to stateside religions I guess. Not even in same ballpark as the jihad crazies Lol
Re: Random Thoughts

Watching battle of the network stars, wtf happened to Nicole Eggert. And the plastic surgery did a number on old daisy duke

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Re: Random Thoughts

TacomaJD said:
So a guy I have worked with since I have been here, older guy - age 53. Had came down with some bad health problems, partially his fault for refusing to go to the doctor until it got way too bad. Anyways, he needs a liver and kidney transplant to live, but because he is jehova's witness (I refuse to capitalize that term), he will not take a blood transfusion because of his religion so we just heard yesterday he chose to not receive any of it and I guess he will just lay in the hospital and die now. I mean 53 is rather young, my wife's dad was 53 when he died last year, but he was in a little worse shape with cancer and kidney disease. The guy was at work like nothing was wrong a month or so ago, now he's living out his final days in the hospital by his own choice because of his religion. I can't wrap my head around this and it's even somewhat hard for me to feel real sorry for him. That is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen. The kicker is if you knew this guy, he was the most dirty minded, perverted, foul mouthed person I've ever met. Funny as **** but literally the most vulgar person I've encountered in my 30 years of living....I guess I could understand it more if he "lived the life" of a highly religious man, but this **** is insane. I've seen some people do some really dumb **** in the name of religion and this is up there competing for 1st place.
Take the positive approach, you will be 1 person higher on the seniority list

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Re: Re: Random Thoughts

Zjman said:
Take the positive approach, you will be 1 person higher on the seniority list

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I need about 100 ppl to retire, quit, etc before my seniority will improve lol. I've been there nearly 12 yrs, Feb was 10 years full time, and probably ain't got enough seniority to get a dayshift janitor job. #foreversecondshift

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Re: Random Thoughts

kinda looks like NAL and MidTN are about to get a LOT of left over rain from this Irma...

glad i'm not in hurricane-land

Just went and saw the movie "It".

Good movie.....i am however appalled at the CHILDREN in the theatre. Not 10-14 year olds....im talking what HAD to be 4-8 year olds.

Re: Random Thoughts

They were talking to some folks on the radio that had clown phobias. Not surprisingly, most could be traced back to seeing "IT" when they were kids. Sounds like the new Pennywise is slightly more creepy looking too.