Well-Known Member
Re: Random Thoughts
X2TacomaJD said:Posting the racist stuff has been warned about many times.
X2TacomaJD said:Posting the racist stuff has been warned about many times.
TacomaJD said:Posting the racist stuff has been warned about many times.
JohnG said:I had really been trying to ignore it, but the unarmed black man was way over the line. The reason I locked it was to stop that trend. Then I moved it to a private area to do the editing. It took a while to edit all 16 pages.
Beerj said:I'm one of the least politically correct people around, but no matter how you want to justify it, at face value it could easily be considered racist. Context is everything. And unfortunately, face value can be influenced by preconceived notions of intent based on the atmosphere which it existed. In this case, it was posted on a forum inhabited by mostly white men that live south of the Mason Dixon line. Not that there's not a stereotypical assimilation between southern folks and racism which isn't entirely true but again, at face value, it lends itself to the scrutiny of those who may be more sensitive to the issue at hand.
As offroading progresses and people keep searching for the next big thing in tech etc, more and more google searches will point people this way. I think it only benifits everyone that it's not known as "that place" and keeps vendors, builders and other contributing members here without apprehension. I feel John is proud of this place and treats it as a child. And in true parental fashion, is guiding it away from self-destructive behaviors.
Or not...
hayitsray said:I blame it on all the negatively!!! A man can't post a cool pic of a 4x4 super cool part without a bunch of hate but idk ???
onepieceatatime said:I got a pretty good buddy that's black and I think he'd laugh his ass off at that. Gonna show it to him next time I see him. Not all black people are overly sensitive and lack a sense of humor. Those are just all the ones the media will show you because we're supposed to hate each other. I grew up around plenty of black people that could appreciate a funny joke about black people.
But I don't really have much tied up in this forum like JohnG does so I suppose if he ain't comfortable with it, it's gonna go away.
hayitsray said:I blame it on all the negatively!!! A man can't post a cool pic of a 4x4 super cool part without a bunch of hate but idk ???
lowbudgetjunk said:Sounds about right....I've been up for way too long. Eating Asiago Cheese Crisps and Creamy Spicy Pepper Jack Cheese widethefuckopen. I had 2 monsters and 4 redbulls and 2 cups of coffee. The nasal decongestant was daytime bullshit too. I feel like eminent heart attack in 5,4,3.......