Hold my beer and watch this!
Damn, I hate shark week! It screws up my regular shows
Damn chondrichthyes...zukimaster said:Damn, I hate shark week! It screws up my regular shows
Ok it's out in the open now. I work with a couple skinny jean wearing, fake black frame glasses, cow licked hair etc. that love weezer. Ugh can't stand emxjmarc said:Atlanta traffic sucks. An hour and 37 minutes to go 14 miles. On a positive note, Weezer put on a great show.
LightBnDr said:Ok it's out in the open now. I work with a couple skinny jean wearing, fake black frame glasses, cow licked hair etc. that love weezer. Ugh can't stand em
So in all fairness I listen to dubstep in the summer time and during hail season while I work, I feel like I get double the work done.
So to each is own, don't wanna hear this "that's gay music" when somebody is posting up how good weezer is. Lol
Carry on![]()
I bought a helmet sticker today that says "Remember, you can't spell crap without rap" Lolxjmarc said:I listen to just about anything, rap is the exception as well as pop country. Don't wear skinny jeans as I'm not exactly skinny and over 40. There was an interesting mix last night of hipsters and old farts.
I cannot argue that. Mark it down.Eddyj said:Country+rap=crap
86chevota said:Congrats bud your talking flag football right? What happen to getting back into porn again?
5BrothersFabrication said:Nah, East Tennessee Bombers. Most of them are ~18-24, guys that didn't go to college, played college but didn't go pro... But I really didn't think I'd make it with all the talent there.
And porn? Pretty tough for a married guy to get into porn. :****:
5BrothersFabrication said:Nah, East Tennessee Bombers. Most of them are ~18-24, guys that didn't go to college, played college but didn't go pro... But I really didn't think I'd make it with all the talent there.
And porn? Pretty tough for a married guy to get into porn. :****:
onepieceatatime said:I also don't understand how marriage holds you back from your porn star dreams. I wish I had a dollar for every porn I watched that involved a married couple banging some stranger, baby sitter or even just a freaky married couple that likes to video their sexual escapades. If you've thought of it there's a porn for it. Don't fall short on your dreams, hell you could even do one as a semi-pro football player that brings a semi-pro cheerleader home to your ole lady.
Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
I watched a porn about that the other night!5BrothersFabrication said:![]()
That would go over like a fart in church!
Eddyj said:You could bang the football team...
Just trying to help. Maybe the ol lady would like to watch that.
You'd like that... weirdo5BrothersFabrication said:Fawk bofayaw.