A few things to try. If nothing else they may help somebody. Watch Mark Rober's squirrel obstacle course on lietoyou tube...its pretty awesome. Dude is brilliant.
Squirrels like walnuts a ton.
Dont touch the traps or the nuts with your hands. Buggers are smart and know if your scent is on em. Live Trapped 2 in about 10 hours at my house and two mice too. I've probably hauled out 8-10 animal annoyances because of walnuts.
Bright lights.
LED strips or "corn bulbs" works good for chasing critters out of almost anywhere. Rv engine bays, attics, crawl spaces. Sometimes takes a few days but they get pissed off when the lights are on all the time. Often times they will find another dark place to hang out.
Figure out how to trap em and make em pets. I think a trained squirrel would be a rad novelty
And lastly Irish spring soap. Vegetable peeler it around places you want them to leave or cut it up with a pocket knife and place it in their pathway into the motorhome attic or whatever. Lots of times they will leave it alone too.
My last thought is find a neighbor kid who can shoot and put a bounty on them.
However like any rodent these ideas may or may not work for you.