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Random toughts and opinion's on Grayrock

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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
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Your Mom's House
We all know attendance at the bigger ride's has seemed to drop off. I was invited to a ride and went Saturday with a group who had rented the park, and felt slapped in the mouth at the 75 dollar's it cost for one day. I'm not bitching at the 75 dollars as much as I feel like the park needs a MAJOR overhaul. Its been virtually unchanged for going on 2 years now.

I love living near a park, it justifies the entry expense most the time not having to travel. But after this coming up weekend riding during the XRRA event , I have no intention of going back to grayrock until something gives. Everyone in the immediate area has wheeled there numerous times. Its hard to pay more and more to do the same thing over and over. I wonder what the thoughts are for guys that live further out and travel to the park once or twice a year ?? Does the dust on crowded rides give you second thought's about wheeling there ? I dont camp since I live close by so I can imagine it would bring the suck having to "live" in those conditions all weekend.

( Tub Rock is still wet and has running water on it, there must be a spring or something pushing water on it... ) I didnt even try it , Amber didnt like the idea of mud in her hair laughing1
I think the cost is high this weekend because it is a SFWDA event and they get a bunch of the proceeds. You are probably posting on the wrong boards since the majority of folks on here love the place. My personal opinion is that it has become a place to show out these days. I do agree with you on the trails and lack of new stuff, I am sure we could offer to help Tony cut new trails and he would be game. I have never gone to a private ride because it is not worth that much too me to ride there for a day. I prefer trying new places out and seeing what else is out there, but I usually make the rides for a day because it is 10 mins from home.
I like the place alot dont get me wrong, but I heard nothing but negative comments about it this weekend and in concern's about the XRRA / Trailfest ride. I'd like the park to get back to were it was 4 years ago and wonder what other's perspective's are. :dblthumb:

Probably shouldnt have posted at all, or at least shouldnt care , but was thinking about it and started typing. :wtflol:
P said:
I like the place alot dont get me wrong, but I heard nothing but negative comments about it this weekend and in concern's about the XRRA / Trailfest ride. I'd like the park to get back to were it was 4 years ago and wonder what other's perspective's are. :dblthumb:

Probably shouldnt have posted at all, or at least shouldnt care , but was thinking about it and started typing. :wtflol:

I think with the economy the way it is a lot of folks are not doing much travel wheeling. It does hurt that Gray Rock is a lot more expensive than other parks, but for a day it is not that bad I guess. I would love to see some showers/amenities if nothing else, that stuff goes a long way. New trails would be nice also, but that takes time and labor. I have heard that the park has limited time left before Tony shuts it down, so maybe that is the reason for no upgrades.
New trails would be nice also, but that takes time and labor. I have heard that the park has limited time left before Tony shuts it down, so maybe that is the reason for no upgrades.

You might be right MattO about the possibility of it eventually closing all together. Think about it, Tony bought Jellico and all the City's surrounding it. He now has a new sandbox to play in. His private business down here probably means nothing paycheck wise to him with the royalties he recieves on the Coal, so why not pack up shop and head north? I hope it doesn't become reality as I like Tony and Myra and enjoy the close proximity of the park. I truly enjoy the friends and families that I have met there, but there is green grass on the other side of the hill as well. Tony should definitley cut some new trails to keep the park open and interesting as most people are truly sick of the dust bowl that is always present. Just my .02 and that's not much. thumb.gif
What about wheeling the reclaimed areas? Stacking rocks to make trails? Not sure if this can be due to the EPA and such, but just a thought.

And P, I'm right there with you on your thoughts of the park. ALthough I'll prolly wheel the hell out of it once I finish my buggy (And that really shouldn't bee too much longer!)
What I don't liek about that place is the higher price to ride. All other places I have been riding are a good bit cheaper.

Also sum new trails would be nice instead of everytime I go there is less.

Juan_Hong_Loe said:
(And that really shouldn't bee too much longer!)

Nice! :woot: :woot: :woot:
Juan_Hong_Loe said:
What about wheeling the reclaimed areas? Stacking rocks to make trails? Not sure if this can be due to the EPA and such, but just a thought.

I think until the reclaimed land is resurveyed and deeded back, the land is uninsurable and the liabilty risk would be too high. :dunno:
I can say that I truly got sick of riding there. Now with that said if I lived as close as you guys the costs would not bother me as bad. Every time I go wheel I have hotel rooms and a nice fuel bill. As far as the private rides go, it is the only way to go. You do not have to put up with 300 rigs. There is no waiting on the trails, it makes for a much more relaxing trip.
its been a year and a half since i was there... we tried to rent the park towards the end of november for the first weekend in january... i called keith bailey and they said they dont take any reservations until the first of the year, so i wait until jan 2nd for last minute reservations, like i was asked to do even though i tried to explain that it would be nice to have a plan, i even offered to pay on the spot, nothing... called back on the 2nd and keith said, nah, no reservations for january... >:( **** grayrock... i refuse to spend my money w/ someone who doesnt care about my business.... they could have simply told me the day i called and we would do something else....
That place is like the dying old horse of offroad parks..

Tony's milked it to death by re-routing this and that..mining all the way up to the trails... selling the timber
I kno he's out to make the monies, but Damn..
You have to give a little every now and then...

I can remember before he clear cut the trees on the damn place.. used to be scenic and nice..

now you pay $150 dollars to ride over a bunch of raped logging land and risk falling off a high wall..

short of Tub rock and the 160 loop, Ive got nothing for the place...

and yes, i've been at Least once a year since '04
CheapJ7 said:
That place is like the dying old horse of offroad parks..

Tony's milked it to death by re-routing this and that..mining all the way up to the trails... selling the timber

I can remember before he clear cut the trees on the damn place.. used to be scenic and nice..

Agreed on all points. I remember when you could ride through the woods and see wildlife, it was very nice. The one thing I hated to see when the waterfall down by the mud pit got taken out. There used to be some good action down there.

After I got to thinking about it yesterday it is mighty expensive to ride there now if you break it down into $$$ per trail. There is just not much left.
haha i know, just talkin ****...

But seriously.

Ive felt taken advantage of in non-sexual ways the last few times at GR... :'(

and lets not get started on the Myra nazi wagon... :drinkers: :indianajones:
Jrich, you are dead on about the beauty of the land. It is rape and pillaged that is for sure. Jen will not go out there because she thinks it is ugly. Let's face it, most women ride along to see pretty things in the woods and enjoy being outside, not really much to look at GR anymore. I would love to see the park have new trails and some facilities, but I think Tony has other intentions for the land.
I've been twice in the past month, both private rides. I paid $30 for the first one(1 day) and $75 (1day) last weekend. I'm not
poor but $75 is too much for one day were the trails need to be maintained. The rain washes and ruts are out of control, if I
had anything less than a buggy I'd be pissed. The holes on most trails need to be addressed as well as the run in to cable
hill, smooth that bitch out so it can be proper ****ed. Bath houses should have happeened YEARS ago. :flipgotcha:
Won't be back for a while, too many other options.
