so i got some raw steel beadlock outter rings that i would like to preserve or imitate, what are you guys doing to it, paint, treatment, coatings, ect. the steel will be exposed to the elements yr round with heavy abuse. i need some old skool tricks 

rokripn, I think your only way is like the previous post. Paint the whole ring if you want, and then come back and grind the paint off the edges you want exposed. Put some clear coat on it and that should work. If it starts to wear or show surface rust, lightly sand and coat it again. Were you going to keep the whole ring exposed?
The only way to properly run a natural steel finish is to
First, paint them your color of choice.
Second, get out and wheel so ****in much that ya wear the paint right off them.
The only way to properly run a natural steel finish is to
First, paint them your color of choice.
Second, get out and wheel so ****in much that ya wear the paint right off them.
Every little scratch or ding will show and rust, and then undermine the clear, which will let water in, creating more rust. I've never had anything clear rattle canned last, back when I rode BMX all the time I had a couple different frames and forks that I ran in raw steel with clear laquer, even not riding in the rain just humidity would start surface rust in a gonna try this clear coating rattle can style, i just dont want it to become a job repainting or repowder coating i like alil rust. its custom.