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RBD Pics and Video thread

BUG-E J said:
After this weekend I think I will be looking into it. Haley you and your passanger got "lucky". If it would have not been so cold and yall not been wearing carhart type material I think it may have went a little worse. I don't know what it looked like inside but from over by punisher I thought yall were on fire on the inside. :****:

Yes if I would have had shorts on my legs would have been burnt. Me and pops was strapped in and I reached in the flames to get my extinguisher to get the flames off of us so we wouldnt burn up. My right hand is missing hair but I consider myself very lucky.

If it wasnt for all the people around that helped put it out I would have owned a new piece of scrap and I thank all of you that did help.

The fire got put out before the buggy itself could get on fire. All the flames you see are gas fumes and if not for everyone acting so fast it would have burnt way more than just my gauges and just a few small things.
I cant thank everyone enough for the help and if anybody ever needs anything just ask and I will be glad to help.
THANKS fer them pics Sledneck :dblthumb:,,,,,I,m still sortin thru mine,,,I took to damn many as usual :spin:,,,got home and had 3 damn cards full of pics :wtflol:
Re: Re: Re: RBD Pics and Video thread

patooyee said:
What's the story there?

It is a dead tree they cut down during the event. One rig rolled and another rolled backwards into it. Paul Bunyan felled it into the "Y" of another tree. They hooked the recovery vehicle winch to the bottom and pulled it uphill till the top slid out of the "Y".
It was kind of comical, the dead tree pivoted in the "Y" and held until the cable had a good load on it. The dead tree ended up being winched vertically up pretty high, pretty much parallel to the elevation of the recovery rig.Yet it started at the base of the first ledge.

American Loggers would have been proud of Steve O!
Heres a few I struggled to upload on PB that didn,t come out lookin like a nuclear ****in meltdown,,,,
OH and THANKS fer the pics of my Zuk Sledneck!!!!

Any yall see this tard bout wreck on V-notch with NO CAGE,,,"if yall know him build him a damn cage",,,dude can wheel,,,but NO CAGE pullin **** like this :flipoff1:
