We still have 5 more coming, if they are right you can have em. If not they will all go back. I will send these 3 back regardless
P said:White people cant have ****, BFG thinks since your "new guy" you dont know or dont care.
Fuggin corporate BS. That really sucks. :-\
Matt O. said:probably have to rush full treads back into production and send call tags for the half-treads.
Matt O. said:I hope you fuggers got your tires cause orering and dealing with BFG SUCKS ASS! I am glad we have the hookup but I have to lug a bunch of wrong tires from the front door to the basement only to have to send them all back. Don't want to do this again for a while!
drool drool drool Your basement has gotta look sexy as **** !Matt O. said:What's better than 3 half-tread tires sent in error? 8 of course! Fawking pile of half treads in my damn basement, stupid BFG. Maybe they will let me keep them and send me 8 full treads also![]()
Matt O. said:Eric from JD Motorsports called today (company BFG uses to manage the race program). He said that 8 full depth tires are being overnighted on Tues and will be here on Wed of next week. We will see.
Matt O. said:I don't know and don't really care as long as we get some fawkin tires as advertised. The half tread **** is beside me, who the fawk wants those damn tires? They don't even run concrete courses anymore. Stupid
Matt O. said:For half the tread they shoud be cheaper
Cole said:Hell you should have asked that guy if he would cut a deal on those Half treads. I would take 2 more if the price was right.
Matt O. said:Yeah Eric called me and said they were going to take care of it quick. He seemed to have a good bit of facts and wanted to know if it would hurt us to have them on Wed. I bet they are catching hell from the comp guys with all the finals coming up.
Cole said:Yeah, this was a huge **** up. They have messed up in the past, but this one was really big and caught the attention of the big dogs which is never good. Those tires should have never made it out of the plant. I would be suprised to see them that quick because I think they are going to have a hard time getting the compound in and it takes a while to build those tires.