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Reiter foothills

The trail isnt even listed on their own web sight.

Still waiting for confirmation so I can bitch.
Someone should post a picture of the gravel pit, a clear cut and the power line towers on the WTA blog. I guess the wilderness area is not big enough for them and they need this area too.


DNR Charts New Management Direction for Reiter Foothills
Posted by Jonathan Guzzo at Nov 12, 2009 10:55 AM | Permalink
Filed under: Advocacy Opportunity, Trails Funding & Policy

DNR's new Reiter plan could end bootleg 4x4 trails like this one. Photo by Karl Forsgaard.

The Reiter Forest, a patch of State land managed by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that borders both the Wild Sky Wilderness and Wallace Falls State Park, has been for many years a lost landscape. Reiter has been unmanaged, and in the absence of planning and on-the-ground agency presence, renegade motorized use has taken hold.

As a consequence, it
Independent suspension Jeeps?:scratchhead:

he is a mis-informed hippy spewing his bullshit to people, that then will spew that bullshit to others... this is the Total opposite of what a wilderness area is! Plus, its not like we have enough wilderness area in the northwest! Also, if they make this area into wilderness, they will be taking a substantial ammount of income for the states already hurting schools...:mad:
From Arlene Brooks wa. state dir. PNW4WDA

The following was received from the Department of Natural Resources with regards to Reiter Foothills and its future. I have asked that Region Director's address this at their next meeting - your input on this matter is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Arlene

Hi Arlene,

I need your help in getting the word out, vandalism at Reiter is unacceptable and if it continues there is a high risk of the ORV community losing access to this area. I can't emphasize enough that we all are being watched with skepticism that ORV'ers are responsible recreationalist. I know that these are not your members but I need your help in sending a loud and visible message to the ORV community that success or failure in keeping existing or creating new opportunities for ORV facilities is in their hands. The fact that whoever did this clearly was driving up a creek and destroying public property(Cable fence) tells me that they were not members of your organization but they are unfortunately tainting the whole ORV community. The continued destruction of public property by the few will impact future ORV access opportunities across the state.

More importantly, based on the conversations I have had with Commissioner Goldmark, this behavior is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated by the department.

For our part, we are beefing up our emphasis patrols, we have been and will continue to write citations and the region will be working with the local user groups to set up a more formal Forest Watch program to make sure that we nip this unacceptable behavior in the bud.

My focus is to make sure that the implementation of the Reiter Plan is successful, however, I can't be successful without the support of the ORV community and the ORV community cannot be successful in opening up new areas such as Reiter without the support of the recreational community, Department of Natural Resources and the State Legislature .........we all have a lot riding on being successful at Reiter.

Any thoughts or suggestions you may have on how to turn this around would be wecome.

Thanks, Mark

Mark Mauren, Assistant Division Manager
Recreation, Public Access and WCC Programs
Asset Management and Recreation Division
Washingtion State Department of Natural Resources
Arlene Brooks, WA. State Director (pnw4wda -c)


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O.K. tinfoil hat man says its an inside job. Some greenies tore the fence down, stir up some silt, take some pics, and send them to the DNR. Typical problem reaction solution. They create the problem, get the idiot brainwashed green public all upset, DNR comes in, and offers the solution, which just so happens to match their true agenda.
Or even without the tinfoil hat, it seems that just becouse a few dummies act irresponsibly everyone else in the 4-wheeling community has to pay the exsessive price of loosing our wheelin area. Isn't that a collectivist russian model?
Driving up a creek :eeek:

Why does the fence even need to be there anymore? :scratchhead:

If they drove that far they already violated
edit: If legally-binding survey work is needed, I think ISH (is he still around?) is a licensed surveyor.

He is, but he's busier than the nose of a blind dog in a butcher shop right now (I need survey work done at my place to prove property line for the power company since some asstards had a law passed that powerlines crossing even 1" into someone's property was tresspassing) :looser:
It looks like the vandals took a picture of themselves tearing down barrier. Hopefully the DNR will track down the two people in this picture and throw them in jail!


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Driving up a creek :eeek:

Why does the fence even need to be there anymore? :scratchhead:

If they drove that far they already violated

I believe they hiked in...

one way ior another the issue will be resolved. We put alot of work into putting that up :mad:
unfortunately, the only way vandalism will be curbed is if we have 24/7 enforcement on-site.
I hope at tonights meeting, the Forest watch is talked about, we need to work harder to get that going.
is this forest watch program/volunteers going to be patrolling on foot? Or in a stock 4X4 like a park ranger? Or on a dualsport bike?

Or are they going to be patrolling Reiter in their "Volunteered" wheelin rig?

It sure would be tough to pick favorites to "volunteering".

I noticed Corey/CrazyDayz had "volunteered" his WHEELER to pull a abandoned rig out for DNR.

I didnt see anything about it. I didnt see any pics of said recovery.

I DID SEE A BUNCH OF WHEELING PICTURES FROM THE SAME DAY after reiter was CLOSED of HIS rig on PIRATE but none of a recovery.:booo:

DNR could have called a hulk hauler, the hulker would have paid $100 for a dead vehicle for scrap.

This almost looks like the group that brought all the attention to the area/DNR is going to be the only ones allowed to wheel it again.

Ill pull this post if someone can tell me how to get on the "invitation list".:rolleyes:
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I believe they hiked in...

one way ior another the issue will be resolved. We put alot of work into putting that up :mad:

So the fence is to be repaired then? Why not haul it out of there?

It is in a closed area within a larger closed area. Why do we need to leave stuff behind, anchored to the rocks in the wilderness where no one but hikers go?

Or if there has to be a fence why not move it to where the closure begins, at the start of the trail?
I noticed Corey/Crazy Daze had "volunteered" his WHEELER to pull a abandoned rig out for DNR.

I didnt see anything about it. I didnt see any pics of said recovery.

I DID SEE A BUNCH OF WHEELING PICTURES FROM THE SAME DAY after reiter was CLOSED of HIS rig on PIRATE but none of a recovery.:booo:

DNR could have called a hulk hauler, the hulker would have paid $100 for a dead vehicle for scrap.

Ill pull this post if someone can tell me how to get on the "invitation list".:rolleyes:

Two people volunteered to do it the weekend before, but one had family stuff going on and the other guy broke his transmission. I was also going to do it that weekend but my front driveline broke. It was a Chevy truck similar to my wheeler and I hate assholes making me look bad by dumping a truck in a mud hole on a trail. I posted that I planned on getting permission from the DNR by pulling the truck out on two different public forums and asked for help. Rick, the WOW Reiter rep was on hand to help and take pictures. I asked him not to post them because the Anti-orv groups are watching this site and they might use the pictures against us. I cant hook up a chain, winch, drive and take pictures at the same time while covered in mud and wet because it was pouring rain so I dont have any pictures on my camera anyways. I pulled the truck off the trail and left it on the road inside the DNR gate so a hulk hauler could easily pick it up and have it recycled. I asked the DNR rep that was there if I could go cruise around, pick up trash, and see if anything else was dumped that we did not know about. He was fine with it.

I put myself on the "invitation list" by making several phone calls and volunteering. Anyone can do the same thing.

That is the 4th vehicle I have helped remove from places I go wheeling. The 1st one was a cherokee at Evans. 2nd was a cherokee at Elbe on the busy. 3rd was a van on High Rock road.

Brad/Chop Shop you are a piece of **** for whining about me helping clean up an area that I liked to wheel :looser: If you really want to help, there are two vehicles at Evans that need to be winched up the cliff by the log pile. We need something with a big PTO winch, want to volunteer?
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So the fence is to be repaired then? Why not haul it out of there?

It is in a closed area within a larger closed area. Why do we need to leave stuff behind, anchored to the rocks in the wilderness where no one but hikers go?

Or if there has to be a fence why not move it to where the closure begins, at the start of the trail?

Your reading into it pat... We have no game plan as of yet....
What do you need-really?

if you really think about it we are all engineers- we all use shovels,picks,axes,rakes,sledge hammers etc -I have many skills and lots of time to help just when and where -remember there's nothing more powerfull than a vollenteer.have rig will travel .:awesomework::D
if you really think about it we are all engineers- we all use shovels,picks,axes,rakes,sledge hammers etc -I have many skills and lots of time to help just when and where -remember there's nothing more powerfull than a vollenteer.have rig will travel .:awesomework::D

yeah what he said:awesomework:

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