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Reiter gets some $$$

Money Mark

Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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This is a newsletter I just received. Read the highlighted green quotes.

The rest of the newsletter is very informative and answer's (and raises, as well) many questions.

April 19, 2010

Hi, folks

It has been awhile since my last e-mail. I thought it would be good to catch you up on several important items from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources
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i like the info about the trails, reiter and yacult burn.

hopefully this is possitive, sounds like it.

in addtion, the info about the volunteers. Seams like our "cliques" are paying off. Thats an impressive number of volunteers on all our parts.

I just received this email myself and was excited to read it. What is Mailbox Peak?
What is Mailbox Peak?

There is a "Mailbox Peak" hiking trail, out of North Bend. You use the old (been closed for 5 years) Middle Fork 4x4 area to access the trail head. It's a harder trail and not super popular......everyone goes to Little/Mt. Si.

I don't know.....:scratchhead:
You can help with the last item by providing us with your thoughts on where we should focus our next three comprehensive planning processes in the coming years.

A couple of years ago, DNR field staff identified the blocks of state trust lands that the public is actively using, whether or not these areas have been designated for recreation. (For example: Reiter Foothills Forest had not yet been designated as a recreation area, but it is on our list of areas where recreation occurs.) DNR staff will be reviewing this information in the next few weeks to make sure the information is still accurate. I would also appreciate it if you could take a look at the list of landscapes to make sure the information is correct.

- Map of DNR
What? You're suprised this **** takes forever?

Yes......the dates are on the newsletter.:;

There is still forward progess to be made. Time is what it takes. Time is what we have.

I just wanted to point out that the $200k budget was this bienium but the reference to Reiter was for the next one (2011-2013). There might be some of the $200k put towards Reiter but with them laying off workers and closing existing facilities I would not get my hopes up. :awesomework:
We'll do all the things needed that don't need money, up to the point that we do need money.:D
Did you notice the dates? 2011-2013

You know Neil, just about every post you make here has some level of sarcasm with almost no positive feedback about our sport/hobby:rolleyes:...If one can read at all I'm pretty sure they saw the dates.:awesomework:
Bottom line is it is forward progress...regardless of date (which is less than 9 months away FYI...not that far out in the BIG PICTURE (did you see that????):redneck:... I'm with Mark on this. Time and perciverence(sp) is what it takes....and we seem to have that in our favor.
And if you read that email, it stated they will be able to continue to maintain existing facilities, not close them....
You know Neil, just about every post you make here has some level of sarcasm with almost no positive feedback about our sport/hobby:rolleyes:

Neil is on our board, but he's not on our side, specifically. He's a 2 stroke biker in Toyota FJ clothing.

Unfortunately, ORV users are lumped together. So here we are.......:hi:

......and he's "in".......kinda.
Yeah, I know Mark...

I know you know.:redneck:Some of my posts are less for the quoted poster and more for the less-informed.

And I love talking smack and telling the story.....every chance I get.:haha::cheer:
Neil is on our board, but he's not on our side, specifically. He's a 2 stroke biker in Toyota FJ clothing.

Unfortunately, ORV users are lumped together. So here we are.......:hi:

......and he's "in".......kinda.

Neil Neil, go to the bike board and squeal.
Neil Neil, go to the bike board and squeal.

You can ^&*$ yourself. :awesomework:

And Mark do you know what a 2 stroke bike sounds like? Mine wasn't going ring ting ting...

I'm stoked that DNR got the $200k as we ALL needed them to get it. They will be able to hopefully get to keep E&E at our ORV sites. I personally hope that they can open camping at Tahuya again. I just read Moneys big colored sentences as we are getting $200k for REITER yipee.... Sorry to to be a downer guys. You can't say I'm the only person on here with some sarcasm. :masturbanana[1]: