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Reiter this Sunday 01/25?

Hey Bill are you wheelin Saturday?

I'm coming out for the day Sat.

DRIVE or JACK!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Well ?????:eeek::eeek::eeek: Whats your schedule???:corn::corn::corn::beer:
As of right now I have to work sat. and won't know about sunday till I get to work to day. :rb: On the other hand I guess its good to have a job right now with people getting layed off everywhere.:booo:
The bad news just found out I've got to work sunday also:booo:The good news its double time:D
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I'm still going on Sunday, I have my rig all loaded up and here at work with me. I even went and got tabs for it so i'm all legit. I'll be there around 9:30. Jason, you still planning on going? Sounds like everyone else is going Sat or not at all.
Well, bigiron, hope to see you there then and make some new friends. Your truck with stock rigs is an interesting combo?
I will be around with some fairly stock rigs:haha:

We followed you and a yellow doved Chevy through some tight stuff in my buddies Cherokee (blue with red tailgate)...pretty amazing how that rear steer lets you walk right through those tight trails.
Nice rig :awesomework:
We followed you and a yellow doved Chevy through some tight stuff in my buddies Cherokee (blue with red tailgate)...pretty amazing how that rear steer lets you walk right through those tight trails.
Nice rig :awesomework:
without it I could not get around as well without polishing trees
We followed you and a yellow doved Chevy through some tight stuff in my buddies Cherokee (blue with red tailgate)...pretty amazing how that rear steer lets you walk right through those tight trails.
Nice rig :awesomework:

Glad you found some peps to run with yesterday. I needed a day off and to spend some time with Rhonda.
Did you go Darby?

I did Mark! Had a good time too. Had a couple of buddies from North Bend come out in their rigs. Too bad they both broke! Some guy in the main parking lot was rallying around in a POS truck/tube thing with horrible body roll. He was acting like the quads do and driving fast through the lot over and over and over again, even trying to jump the paved road like 6 times. So, when a U turn coupled with the worst boddy roll I've ever seen, finally sent him into a roll over, i cheered. Not cause it was awsome but because the dumby totaly had it coming. Didn't look like his pals had winch's, I drove over with mine, took a couple pics of the POS on it's side, and drove off. Where is Kim when you need her? I even had new tabs this time, lol!

I'll post a pic of said jallopy when I download my pics later.

I laughed at some dudes in a Built Jeep trying to winch a boulder out of the middle of May creek too. I asked why they were winching a rock, "because it will make it easier to cross" :looser: