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Reiter this Sunday 01/25?

I did Mark! Had a good time too. Had a couple of buddies from North Bend come out in their rigs. Too bad they both broke! Some guy in the main parking lot was rallying around in a POS truck/tube thing with horrible body roll. He was acting like the quads do and driving fast through the lot over and over and over again, even trying to jump the paved road like 6 times. So, when a U turn coupled with the worst boddy roll I've ever seen, finally sent him into a roll over, i cheered. Not cause it was awsome but because the dumby totaly had it coming. Didn't look like his pals had winch's, I drove over with mine, took a couple pics of the POS on it's side, and drove off. Where is Kim when you need her? I even had new tabs this time, lol!

I'll post a pic of said jallopy when I download my pics later.

I laughed at some dudes in a Built Jeep trying to winch a boulder out of the middle of May creek too. I asked why they were winching a rock, "because it will make it easier to cross" :looser:

Sounds like the true Reiter retards were out.:booo:
We saw that moron in the bodyroll machine doing hotlaps first thing in the AM.....I kept hoping he would roll while we were unloading so we could get a good laugh.When we got back a few hours later he was still at it.:looser:

Kinda makes it interesting with most people confined to the lower area due to the construction up the road
I did Mark! Had a good time too. Had a couple of buddies from North Bend come out in their rigs. Too bad they both broke! Some guy in the main parking lot was rallying around in a POS truck/tube thing with horrible body roll. He was acting like the quads do and driving fast through the lot over and over and over again, even trying to jump the paved road like 6 times. So, when a U turn coupled with the worst boddy roll I've ever seen, finally sent him into a roll over, i cheered. Not cause it was awsome but because the dumby totaly had it coming. Didn't look like his pals had winch's, I drove over with mine, took a couple pics of the POS on it's side, and drove off. Where is Kim when you need her? I even had new tabs this time, lol!

I'll post a pic of said jallopy when I download my pics later.


That's probably the same guy I saw on Saturday morning around 8:30, ripping through the parking area. At one point he had it on three wheels, I was really hoping for a flop.
That's probably the same guy I saw on Saturday morning around 8:30, ripping through the parking area. At one point he had it on three wheels, I was really hoping for a flop.

You parked right next to jobless(Jackazz:rolleyes:) and myself...I was ridin bitch:looser:

It's all good:D I always liked MJ's but never found one I could afford...yours looked pretty cool:redneck
Some guy in the main parking lot was rallying around in a POS truck/tube thing with horrible body roll. He was acting like the quads do and driving fast through the lot over and over and over again, even trying to jump the paved road like 6 times. So, when a U turn coupled with the worst boddy roll I've ever seen, finally sent him into a roll over, i cheered.
I was tuning my carb when that dumbass was jumping and doing 2wd doughnuts in front of all the tow rigs.....Once he flopped I went and looked at the carnage and told him it was not cool the way he was acting....This guy had no regard for anyone or their stuff.:looser:
I did Mark! Had a good time too. Had a couple of buddies from North Bend come out in their rigs. Too bad they both broke! Some guy in the main parking lot was rallying around in a POS truck/tube thing with horrible body roll. He was acting like the quads do and driving fast through the lot over and over and over again, even trying to jump the paved road like 6 times. So, when a U turn coupled with the worst boddy roll I've ever seen, finally sent him into a roll over, i cheered. Not cause it was awsome but because the dumby totaly had it coming. Didn't look like his pals had winch's, I drove over with mine, took a couple pics of the POS on it's side, and drove off. Where is Kim when you need her? I even had new tabs this time, lol!

I'll post a pic of said jallopy when I download my pics later.

I laughed at some dudes in a Built Jeep trying to winch a boulder out of the middle of May creek too. I asked why they were winching a rock, "because it will make it easier to cross" :looser:

well lets see said pictures rollover:redneck:
The idiot in that body rollin' piece of tube crap is what gives us all a bad rap.
THAT is the crap that gets an area shutdown.

Anybody notice the "Sierra Club" folks hiking around the area on Sunday?
I waved at them and they just scowled....funny...I don't wheel on hiking trails...why would they hike on muddy ass wheeling trails?
When Pumpy and I made our Wednesday run last week, we ran across a make-shift camp site up on the new section on Izzy.......two small pads of leafed branches (for sleeping on, I guess) with a small fire pit in the middle. :eeek:
That is where a steep drop-off is.......and as far as we made it on Saturday. It was getting late. But it looked like you guys cleared past that.......and it looked badass.