-Oh no I picked a side-
Starts with an L and ends with an R

Sounds cool to me... a bunch of man made mud bogs.:011: :redneck:
As of right now all trails are a rough route on the ground. We got the ok by the county to go ahead and put an actual path of where the trails will sit.
As of now due to pressure from the DNR and usergroups the county is backing off allot of the talked about restrictions (stormwater bullcrap and such) but there was nothing in writing yet but we are hoping they do lax those restrictions.
As of right now we are still moving forward in positive progress--too slow IMO but yet forward....
so, we should get to wheel it, to actually make the path :awesomework::beer:
and then let the volunteers come in and build the obstacles.
Sounds like a good plan.:awesomework:
Today we have a few people that are going into unknown territory and start flagging one of the last trails
Things are a little behind schedule but we are looking good. Yesterday we cleared and staked trails. Today we have a few people that are going into unknown territory and start flagging one of the last trails
Nice way to work together Charlie :awesomework: Nobody conned anyone into anything. If the DNR decided to add the tight twisty trails then they did so because there were people there asking for such. I have talked to a couple of people in the northend clubs that have said they will step up and work on these trails to get them done.