Well-Known Member
Ok seems to be some confusion in the last few comments the valve body has nothing to do with how fast you can change gears or hit reverse or neutral! The only difference in a forward and reverse manual valve body is the order of the forward gears nothing else! Prn123 is reverse prn321 is forward or standard if you will notice second is in the same place also! If you have engine braking in a reverse vb it will lock up the tires via engine braking for a split second before going to neutral or reverse. Without engine braking and with a reverse pattern it will just over run as it passes through first. Ok for the other direction forward pattern same scenario shifting from second to neutral or reverse it will go into third for a split second as its passing through not a problem unless you are still in the gas then you get one more little spin in there that may put you on over? It is just a preference as to which direction you want to be going with the shifter as you take off and if you want to have to shift gears manually! (all the time) sucks for

Hope that helps!

Hope that helps!