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RickyB .... lets be famous together ! LOL

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naked guys in showers, what else :dunno:

Scholarship and Learning, Brotherhood, Leadership, understanding Phianthropy and giving back to the community.

I think I make friends pretty easy, but to have 100 guys that will help you, and you help them from day one in college was awesome. Sure you clique out, but it is a high speed plug into the social, and educational machine that is college. It is organization, and a facet for being involved in everything from sports to community service, to bible study, to drinking and partying.

I have got on a plane to fly and help a brother before. And I have had them do crazy **** for me at the drop of a hat. Now we are spread all over the country, but with travel for work, and wheeling see many of them quite often. Its always nice to have a familiar face to drink a beer with on the road.

But fraternities aren't everything. You only get out what you put in. If you are fringe and dont participate, you will miss many of the benefits. On top of the guys I cliqued out with in my house, I met other cool like minded individuals in other houses as well.

If I could relive my college days, at the drop of a hat I would. Great memories, but most importantly I learned a quite a bit to be who I am today.

Maybe as an anology. Do you ever go wheeling solo? Yes but rarely. You go with a group so if anyone has a problem there is the collective group to get all the rigs through, and you are all having a good time doing it. Thats a fraternity. College can be done solo, but its so much easier with a support group, and you can have some fun while doing it.
That is a pretty good summary Wyatt. I went to UA and had no other guy friends there (all of my HS buddies went to community college or not at al). I had friends from day 1 and met a bunch of people. I jumped in it with both feet and was treasurer and president of my house when I was there. Got kinda burnt out, but still have tons of friends form my house and others.
I went to BAMA from NC, knew like 3 people that went there. Without joining a fraternity I would have not had a good expierence. I am at App State now and Greek life is not the same here. I chose not to affiliate here, they have like 15 members from my 120 or so at BAMA. I think alot of it depends on what school. I couldnt imagine not being in a fraternatiy at UA,OLE MISS, UGA. But I will say I would never hjave joined one unless I went to alabama, Alot of the sterotypes are true for some, but it means alot more than "Bangin" and getting "****ed up" I am over 500 miles away and still talk to my bros and plan to visit soon, and I guess I could holla at Neil, Daniel and Cole