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rockcrawler for sale

What tune is on the 5.3?

Any know problems with the rig? (Brakes work? Any links bent? Welds look good? Any steering issues?)

Why does he need to post it again? I thought he got a **** ton of people calling him from the attention after he was called out?

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

I don't say much on this forum but ppl like you make me sick.

My suggestion to you is get the **** outta this sport because anywhere you show up to ride now you will not be welcomed.

Be happy it wasn't me you ****ed over. I would have had zero issues beating your ass and going to jail.
Bunch of pussies the guy I met in Alabama buy rock crawlers for cheap to turn around and make money on he has a whole gimic he's pissed I didn't give him what he wanted so he gets on here and crys about it and I was never wearing a ****ing sweater vest. His little bitch ass had nothing to say to my face u all pipsqueaks behind computers got some big mouths. U all need to take a road trip to potosi mo and let's see how big ur ****ing mouths are then. My number is listed so call for meet up when u get to my town. Rock crawler was just sold for $14,000 to a very happy owner. Off this site. So I'm done here. Go **** ur selfs and thanks again for the free night out Nashville ???????????????????????????????????????????? u don't know who ur ****ing with. Cya around bitches

Pfffft you're so full of ****.

Nobody is gonna buy anything for over the asking price. And you can ask anyone that knows me on here I'm not some keyboard badass. I'll back my talk up.

Now get the **** off this forum and stay off.
Who bought it? I'm calling Bull ****. It was so awesome he threw in a extra $500?????