I'm on a boat.
This is a great thread. 

TEXASMUDMAFIA said:Hey Joe, i bought the one that wont bend 90 degrees how much would it cost me to get the new parts to make it updated????
Thank You Joe Wall
TEXASMUDMAFIA said:Dont sweat it joe... I bent a piece of 1.5" 120 wall and it kinked the tube and bent the ram i got 80 degrees on my degree finder, and you have to disassemble the bender to get the tube out... i dont know if im doing something wrong but any help would be great!!!
RangerSVT said:This Thread is back from the dead I'm sure the input from the guys who bought it and also from Rogue Fab from any additions and revisions made does this setup include the 180 die or the 90?
Neal3000 said:I wish that i had a vertical bender like the rogue it seems like it would make things SO damned easy to just put a digital angle finder on your tube as you bend it and know exactly where to stop at
whiskeymakin said:Yes and I have a hard time bending two seperate bends in one piece while staying on plane. Jmr here. They say the material will make it draw some...hrew.
And making sure it's level with a long piece isn't easy either
I've started going seam on side of bend so it isn't being pulled or pushed, just taking a left or right turnwhiskeymakin said:That made since to me also (seam in) but the jmr man said seam up or down?? It's all close enough for me either way tho.
BLGXJ said:Tried something like this?
I've had a rogue bender since March, but haven't bent any tube yet.