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RTW work party sunday 2nd

But even in its present state it wheeled fairly well and walked through the rock garden. And being that I haven't been behind the wheel for 2 years now I'm pretty happy.
Well it didn't walk through everything in the rock garden... :fawkdancesmiley:

It did do fairly well, except for the bung falling out of the panhard. :haha: The rear suspension setup was hurting him on the rocks, the desert race style links were draggin on everything, once that gets changed this winter, it should a pretty nice rig. Also Nick needs to remember how to work a clutch a little better. :flipoff::redneck:
Yeah our numbers our increasing, those of us giving back to the place we love to wheel. Come on out and have fun, we get dirty, get sweaty, and get **** done, twist our drivelines up, and there's always some bitch throwing things at you when you use jinxed words
fixed for accuracy:fawkdancesmiley:
Oh and here's where I earned the jackass of the year award.


She was soooo pissed. Wont be doing that one again. :redneck:

I'm guessing the clean up was more fun... And I see just the hint of a smile there, right before the "You had better NOT take my picture!"
Sorry I could not make it guys. I was there that weekend but my rig was, well....


I drove it from the Rock Garden back to camp that way. One good tire and the spare. 3 KM2s torn and killed. I waited in the thrid lot until 10:30-11ish to see if I could snag a ride. Was unaware you guys were unloading on this Deer Flats road.

Good to see the ever increasing volume of participants. :beer:
Sorry I could not make it guys. I was there that weekend but my rig was, well....


I drove it from the Rock Garden back to camp that way. One good tire and the spare. 3 KM2s torn and killed. I waited in the thrid lot until 10:30-11ish to see if I could snag a ride. Was unaware you guys were unloading on this Deer Flats road.

Good to see the ever increasing volume of participants. :beer:

Gee Mike, good thing for discount tire warranty!!!!!!!!!
Just got my internet fixed!! Im only a couple weeks late on postin my pics of the cleanup! It was a great time, everybody had a great sense of humor!! Lot of J**ps though...:puke: Haha j/k.
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And some more. Gonna have to talk with DNR about Crash riding on logs being winched:redneck: Its gott be against some moral code of the trees or something:kissmyass:
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Les has a little Captain in him. Somebody didnt see the big mudhole and ended up covering their wife in mud...Censored so Nick doesnt have to sleep on the couch again...whoops:fawkdancesmiley:
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