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Sat---break robins cherry run

NEGATIVE GHOSTRIDER!!!! you won't even make it off the trailer with expired tabs...The PO and DNR people are ALL over Reiter nowadays.....if you do sneak off the trailer yer liable to get a ticket.

That's why we unload up at the Rock Garden nowadays.....even though my **** is legit.
That's why we unload up at the Rock Garden nowadays.....even though my **** is legit.

When I was at the clean up, there were two Sheriffs at the rock garden, one on a motorcycle, the other in an explorer/expedition... so being up there doesn't guarantee you'll be safe!
If Cascade Crawler heads up and doesnt have anybody with him i iwll be rolling with him saterday. I am now in search of a replacment radiator or somebody to repair it so until then my rig is down and out
When I was at the clean up, there were two Sheriffs at the rock garden, one on a motorcycle, the other in an explorer/expedition... so being up there doesn't guarantee you'll be safe!

The DNR also read these threads..

So we will be meeting at 10am--- We broke a tool tonight so we have some things to finish up sat am before we head out..
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Driving crashes rig is nothing special......i drove it before up at manastash!!!!!!!!!!! about 100 yards....:haha: :haha: :haha: :; :beer: after i figured out how to move it!!!!!:haha: :haha:
how much was the ticket?

60 sumthin bucks. It was about 2 years ago, One of my real early trips after i finished the rig. I rolled into the main lot, and she did her leisurely stroll over and told me whats up in front of a bunch of people...i took the ticket and we wheeled til dark.

I dont condone getting a ticket, even in this way...but i was jonesin to wheel. Kinda like i am right now.
And I am out for tomorrow: I've run out of time to try to get my brake gremlin fixed, and also forgot tabs are expired. I will take tomorrow to try to get it ready for next weekend.:booo:
Ok--so the plan in

weed your ****
stair step
Down poop shoot
Sac up
Then robin wants to try the rock face

From there we will see..
Ok--so the plan in

weed your ****
stair step
Down poop shoot
Sac up
Then robin wants to try the rock face

From there we will see..


Half an hour of rear steer donuts and other stupid **** in the pit
Weed your **** with the hill climb option
Rock face and rocks above
rocks and concrete above poop chute
down then back up then down again on poop chute
Sac up
More rock face
Rock garden
Play in the sand
Drive to upper trails paying on the variuos rocks on the way
Beat you **** and the newer varation going left after the goal post.

realistic as long as we dont have a group to wait for.

See ya all in the morning
Have fun with the new mods robin! My junks in peices in the garage now and i dont got a ride for tomorrow maybe some other time