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School me on D60 hubs


Love that TOYOTA
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
Crustys Brewery
Why use hubs? Besides the obvious reasons of freewheeling in the front if you were to break something?

The drive flanges I have in the front end on my new 60 work fine.

Any reason I should switch to hubs when I go 35 spline outers?
The only hub I would consider is the new Yukon one. In the past,when my front d-line vibes were super bad, I ran Warn Premiums but kept braking them. That motivated me to fix my D-line vibes once and for all.

Yesterday I broke a 35 spline stub.....pulled both flanges to ralley back to the tow rig. It was the end of the day and didn't feel like stuffing a fresh stub in. Only takes a few minutes to pull the flanges.

One thing to consider is abuse of the locking area itself. The covers to my flanges is beat to fawk. Not sure how the locking handle thingy of the yukon is gonna like being assraped. Could effect functionality...dunno.
I run flanges in my 44, with a locker and I dont even notice the difference from when I would run a hub unlocked, As far as turning.
only reason i'm keeping hubs for now is because i drive my truck on the street and have a trail gear sloppy sloppy front d line :)
i am going to run locking hubs because i will be driving on the street, if my rig was a trail only rig then I would run drive flanges. less moving parts in a drive flanges and alot stronger and cheaper.
The only reason I got hubs was for pounding on dirt roads. But I seem to never unlock them and if I was to do it again I would have just gotten drive slugs and called it done..
Stick with drive slugs unless you have a particular reason you think you'd ever need to unlock the hubs... for example... spool up front and need to drive it on pavement occasionally (like my rig right now) or front driveline vibration issues, etc.

Once I have some cash for a different locker up front, I will pony up and go 35 spline stubs and slugs. :awesomework:
He will be getting 35 spline stubs in his neer future. I just hope he saves the unit bearing so I can bore them for the shafts when that comes.

The whole Jeep is a work in progress. I don't think he will be doing any 60 in the rear. He has been sold on the 14 bolt anchor. The Jeep needs to be family friendly soon as that is what he wants. There will be no backhalves here.

You want 'family friendly', which implies a whole different set of values than 'trailer queen'.

I absolutely ENJOY being able to unlock my hubs, and cruise 70 down the freeway without any goofy handling characteristics caused by my detroit up front.

However I did switch hubs to flanges for ttc, for strength. Then switched back.
I find having an air-locker up front is more functional then locking and unlocking hubs if i am hitting pavement is really the only time i unlock my hubs but the TJ is not very pleasant on pavement i just trailer it to the trail heads. But after a work party last spring up at walker I busted a ujoint and axle shaft end I just unlocked the one hub and wheeled the rest of the day with 3 wheels drive.
Since i eliminated all the driveline issues i have no issues with the front DS turning as i go even with the two piece front DS. I dont plan on doing thousands of road miles either.

As Mauler stated you can always pull the slug and free wheel when needed with little effort.

I went slugs.
I've broke a lot of locking hubs and always go back to slugs. I never get out and unlock them so why have them?

I vote slugs:awesomework:

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