Bitte built
I'm In be there around 9ish
it is alway good to meet new people like you guys.. we will do it again soon...billstoy said:I had a great day!! Good to meet some new people !! I also had small tire damage ... I guess 1lb air in front tires was a little to low!!!
But it will climb like hell !! I'll make sure next time 2lb or more..
Had a great time. And my truck makes a good cooler till u open the doors!!billstoy said:Sheila was wet!!! the truck was wet . so was the hill.... Travis was in the dog house all day!! That long wheel base and tires help a lot !!
get that bump stop fixed..or we will just bring more winchesTBittle said:I had fun! just one bump stop from a great time!!! :****:
. Lol no joke ! I will have it fixed this week. I hopeRiverRouse said:get that bump stop fixed..or we will just bring more winches
i know a good back doc.. :****:billstoy said:Like a high tech back dr. we just had to hold one leg down and twist , To get the knots out. 8)