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BustedKnucklefilms said:
There were women and children present & this didnt set the best example.

hell, what's wrong with that? i been cussin around AND at my 10 kids and the bi-otches that birthed them since the day the fawkers were born
draggbody said:
with that said, my feelings are much different about how the event was ran... there was no decision maker, judges were giving conflicting information about these make believe concepts that tried to call rules and all in all i think was a very disorganized ride... we showed up on friday to run one event that took an hour, they never did a tech inspection, there were bullshit calls all weekend that were overturned and then the following day a new "rule" was that we couldn't do an instant replay for there bullshit calls... so we just had to take there word for it even though they were calling **** where they didnt even have judges... there was only one person taking score and he was an incompetent ****, not wanting to tell times and keeping **** all secretive, i mean why the **** wouldnt you want to let people know where they stand so they know how much they need to turn up there game... it was a total cluster **** and i was truly disappointed w/ the level of professionalism that was portrayed... i will not be back...

sounds like the same fawking jackazz's that cheated my boy Roger out of 2nd last year
RobbyBobby said:
sounds like the same fawking jackazz's that cheated my boy Roger out of 2nd last year
EGGZACKLY... im glad there is finally someone here w/ some sense....
s10me said:
we need a pot stirring icon laughing1


RobbyBobby said:
hell, what's wrong with that? i been cussin around AND at my 10 kids and the bi-otches that birthed them since the day the fawkers were born

What you do around your kids is your business. That don't mean its OK to do to others' kids though. I mean, there's dudes that think raping their 12 year old daughters is cool. Does that mean its cool with you if they do it to your daughter?

I cuss like a sailor around people I know. I do try to follow what my mama taught me by not spreading my filth around young ears though. It is difficult for me to always know when what is appropriate. IE, you never know when the little ones snuck up behind you and are listening to your conversation about horse porn that you're having with your buddy. That is why I have tried to follow what my mama taught me even further by eliminating foul language altogether. It's hard ****ing work though. :)

J. J.
patooyee said:
What you do around your kids is your business. That don't mean its OK to do to others' kids though. I mean, there's dudes that think raping their 12 year old daughters is cool. Does that mean its cool with you if they do it to your daughter?

I cuss like a sailor around people I know. I do try to follow what my mama taught me by not spreading my filth around young ears though.

J. J.

holy **** JJ
The best part of Jimmy's rant was when he started in on Obama! The crowd went bezerk with laughter! lol :****: :tc
RobbyBobby said:
hell, what's wrong with that? i been cussin around AND at my 10 kids and the bi-otches that birthed them since the day the fawkers were born

This is the same guy who said this:

Re: Timmies new Jimmy Smith Buggy.
? Reply #71 on: August 24, 2010, 05:08:11 AM ?
Hey Mr. Worx, hey brother as a fellow custom fabricator i can totally assimulate with what you are feeling here dawg, the shame and pain of the big stinky **** that ungrateful fawker took on you is in your words and i have decided to reveal my own experience with the same little fawker to the innernet world........whilst he was inbetweext two of the purtyest bygawd offroad beasts that a rich boy's daddys money could buy him i contacted one T. Cameron and offered him one of my famous triple trianguladed big bird chassis to drive (hoping that he would do some of them crazy wild ass stunts and his posse of nutswinger boyfriends would video him and put him on the utube and that i could sell some of these gawddayumed chassis and that maybe we could get out of this single wide and my kids wouldn't have to sleep in the bathtube and **** in a dayum hole in the floor anymore) well anyways he wadden real interested but then i talked it up some i said look homey do you want to roll through the woods llike two pimp niggas in a cadillac and spend all yer spare time pollishin batman symbols or do you want a rig that is trailerpark ghetto enough to get it awn dirty dirty south style? he told me to shove it up my azz...well then i sent him some nekkid pics of my daughter that i took and hell he came over the next weekend!!! well that sumbitch came over, and started actin-a-fool, blastin gangster rap, drank all my beer and the next thang i knew he had done loaded up the big bird and my two oldest daughters and he headed out, i couldn't understand a mofoshit thang that he said but he hollered sumthin about bible-bangin these bitches and i thought to myself- this TC is a good christian man, my rig and girls are in good hands......well shiiit negro, about 3 am the next morning i heard this sumafawkinbitch bringin my beautiful bigbird back in peices, he left my girls passed out in the dirt yard and he hauled ass before i could even get out of bed good.....
Gawddayum you Cameron! if i ever lay eyes on you again i promise you son i am going to lay down on the bygawd ground and punch you right straight in your big ole hairy balls till you die

Which was funny as **** btw...... I lost concentration on what I was going to say from laughing so hard again!!!

but I don't think I'd take anything he has to say to heart.... he's simply as Jimmy puts it "you are simply trying to instigate a situation...' Idk... though, may be he does cuss out 10 kids.. doubtful... but if you do,, x2 on what J.J. said and you must have one big ass bath tub...
i had a ball at the settc this year i wish i would done better maybe next year they want have so many. Joe good to meet u all and i see yall next year
RKEY said:
i had a ball at the settc this year i wish i would done better maybe next year they want have so many. Joe good to meet u all and i see yall next year

It was a pleasure meeting you and there will be a next year. Already workin on it actually.
exocaged said:
It was a pleasure meeting you and there will be a next year. Already workin on it actually.
I know it is early but do you have any idea of where you would like or going to have it?
should be back at morris mountain. I've had a few requests for the trail called hammer down. May use that next time around.