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yes i ran that bitch out of gas and had a damn good time doing it loller.gif loller.gif loller.gif :flipoff1:
Woods said:
yes i ran that bitch out of gas and had a damn good time doing it loller.gif loller.gif loller.gif :flipoff1:

Woodsy, you treated the Dirty Thirty like it is supposed to treated. ROad hard and put away wet. Respect son, respect.

Now P. would like you to come over and wash it since you got her muddy. :flipoff1:
xjkrawler said:
so true... that video of jr makin it up axle is funnay

Yeah I was coming down one of those access hills about 300 yards away and all I could hear was rev limiter and was like WTF - looked up and it was JR molaugh.

We thenmade our way around to the top as it was a ****in traffic jam at the bottom and JR was calling my phone - he says look to your left I broke - I hit a ****in tree laughing1

But hell at least he tried it - I didn't even get on axle all weekend - that bitch was WET
P....I thought you guys were scared of mud? Looks like yours came off the trailer this ride. thumb.gif
J.A.B said:
Yeah I was coming down one of those access hills about 300 yards away and all I could hear was rev limiter and was like WTF - looked up and it was JR molaugh.

We thenmade our way around to the top as it was a ****in traffic jam at the bottom and JR was calling my phone - he says look to your left I broke - I hit a ****in tree laughing1

But hell at least he tried it - I didn't even get on axle all weekend - that bitch was WET
lmao, thats hilarious laughing1
P said:
Jr, how many parts did you break THIS time out ? And last time ? Oh yea, and the time before that ?

Good thing your gay and dont like wimmen cause you surely couldnt afford to beat your **** senslessly like you do. and have a girlfriend :flipoff1: laughing1

I do like hearing your engine and watching you peel the F out... somebodies gotta do it I guess. Better your wallet then mine ! thumb.gif
1stub, one joint /inner/outer axle, couple of 1310s and i ripped the orbital/spring hanger off the frame. fixed it all though and kept on wheelin...
gay hell, i pull women all the time, just dont take riding :flipoff1: thumb.gif
GStone said:
P....I thought you guys were scared of mud? Looks like yours came off the trailer this ride. thumb.gif

I got mud in my hair and everything... **** man I need to get some ground hawg's and a Holley 4 brl and hit them whompin holes !! loller.gif

( Buggy is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaal close to being able to beat the **** out of with out fear of wallet carnage. thumb.gif )
Dood I didnt whine about the mud at all.. Im just playing along. If I gave a **** about the mud I woulda left it parked with a tarp over it like I did at RBD ! :flipoff1:
hell I still owe a little on the ones I got. Ill be sporting these tires until the end of time ! laughing1
ill admit P, yur tires did impress me. Imagine how that beast will do when you a good powerplant in it! :flipoff1:
all you have to do p is git a running start
like at highway speeds :flipoff1: booyang
I'm shore people would wont to watch you then :flipper:
jrhall said:
between you and matto, i couldnt tell who whined more about all the mud... me and greg had a damn blast thumb.gif

I am fine with mud on the trail but some idiot I was riding with kept slinging 50ft rooster tails on perimeter trails :flipoff1: