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Slight tick from flexplate area?

Re: Re: Slight tick from flexplate area?

Me too...gonna stay close to parking lot/easy access trails tomorrow then dig into the starter like mentioned above.

The sound is fairly faint. The YouTube vids ive watched of cracke flexplate's have all been really really prominent. ...like scary even!
would say it would be a cracked flex plate will b very hard to see while everything is bolted up until it gets worse if u continue to run It you should continue to keep an eye on it I know you would like to avoid pulling it back apart but I would if I thought I had problem
I have an 87 chevy with a 454 and th400 and it breaks flex plates like crazy and have no idea why but it makes the same sound and it cracks at the crank between the bolt holes I put in at least one a year :****:
The first 5.9 Magnum engine in my buggy went boom shortly after hearing aticking sound like youre describing.Im running a 727 trans also. I could hear it behind the air cleaner and sounded like it was under the intake , like maybe a lifter.I replaced the lifters ,worried that they may be wore with 220,000 miles on the motor.
The ticking was still there , flogged it a few times in the drive way and hit it once in reverse and blew #3 and #4 rods clean out of the motor.There was no vibration or anything , just a tick.And then shazam , all at once split second vibration and then oil and coolant covered the drive way.

Not telling you this to scare you , just interested to see what you find out.At first i thought mine was too many rpms and too many miles on the motor.
I've seen the weights on converters break off and do exactly what you described, although I think it would be obvious without an inspection cover.
Re: Re: Slight tick from flexplate area?

Well was a pretty good day for me about halfway up one of the little kitty trails it made a quick little crunching sound and like it spit something out and then the tick or click was gone!!!!

My first thought was oh s*** the starter just ate its guts.

So the whole trip I just never shut it off and kept wheeling and it did great.

Got back to the parking lot and decided to cut it off and see if the Lord has blessed me with a restart..... Sure enough it crank right up

I don't see how but I guess just a small rock got wedged way up in there somehow and all the jumping and bouncing finally shake it loose
Prying on it is not necessarily going to show you where the crack is. Typically they will crack around the bolt holes and when they finally let go it will break in a complete circle. By prying on it with it connected to the convertor it shouldn't move. If you disconnect the convertor and slide it back a touch you may be able to see if its moving around more than it should.

I would also check into that starter. Let it run and watch it to see if the bendix is jumping around.
if you look at the starter bendix, on the shaft there is a small ring that acts as a shock asorber for the bendix when it kicks in, it keeps it from bashing the housing. those things tend to float around and cause that kinda clicking sound. Pull the starter off and take a look, its probably missing now
Unloading buggy last night I got the same tick! I'll let you know what I find on e I dig into it.
Re: Re: Slight tick from flexplate area?

From everyone ive talk to it's about fifty fifty either way.... some think it's the greatest... some think it's the worst.