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SLORV - February 17-19, 2012 - First Annual Gorilla Run

Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

viseashane1 said:
how close are hotels

This park is mere minutes from HotSprings and it's even got a National Park!
There are definitely some good eats that shouldn't be missed in HS!
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

We always stay at the KOA its only about 5-6 miles from the park. The poeple that run the campground are good people. Nice cabins and supper clean bath houses.
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

viseashane1 said:
how close are hotels

Most of the hotels (motels) close to the park are dumps (Knights Inn). The KOA is pretty good though, if that's what you're looking for. My wife and I have started staying here when we go up: http://www.comfortsuites.com/hotel-hot_springs-arkansas-AR160 Of course I'm a woman when it comes to accommodations.... laughing1

It's at the intersection of Central Ave. and the Bypass that leads to the park. It only takes about 15 minutes to get the park from here via the bypass.
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

Well today XJPaddler and myself cut one new hill. This Bounty Hill should be a good one. Pictures just don't do it justice.

Got some good pix of the hill




And the trail down to the hill... The Bounty Hill is only 50 yards from main Park Rd. ( fairly easy recovery... )

It's LONG n STEEP, had a Dozen rigs take a look at it today and ALL declined to try it!
a Video of the hill
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MlMpGZ27G-g?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I reckon we'll see if any Southeastern Boys will claim the Bounty

I threw the First 100.00 in the kitty...attention ALPHA GORILLA has put an ADDITIONAL 400 bones on the hill

THAT'S five HUNDRED DOLLARS boys and girls!!!

Should prove to be quite entertaining after the comps are done ;)

Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

This oughta be good!!!
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

Looks like a goodun can't wait to take a run at it :driving:
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

looks interesting- will have to put on the dig tires,if we south east boys climb it can we name it
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

plow boy said:
looks interesting- will have to put on the dig tires,if we south east boys climb it can we name it

Yea, it was left without a name..... the Cat who climbs it.... NAMES IT!!!!!

[size=30pt]Competitors get first shot... all the guys names competing will put in a hat and Drawn to see who get FIRST shot at the hill
if guys don't want the chance, they'll have their name removed from the Hat, that's the only fair way I see to do it... SEE YOU THERE

[size=30pt]VIDEO BELOW....

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MlMpGZ27G-g?hd=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

As of Saturday maybe 1-2 camping spots let at the park, if your coming make arrangements quickly. KOA has camping, numerous hotels close by word is getting out and things are filling up. I'ts going to be one awesome weekend. thumb.gif
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

I would like one of us southeast boys to try it first, ployboy sounds like a good name for that hill.
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

plow boy said:
I would like one of us southeast boys to try it first, ployboy sounds like a good name for that hill.

When are all the south boys getting there.
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

I should be there in the small tire class
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

jabnasty said:
I should be there in the small tire class

anyone who is planning on competing needs to shoot an email to [email protected] and I'll get you on the list. I'm not sure how many or when the Cut-off will be.... So shoot me some mail if ya coming after the MONEY :driving:
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

Being the hospitable guy that I am, will be glad to let you southeast boys take a run at it first since superlift already has a trail named Jenny Craig it might be confusing to have two trails with the same name. lol
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

Whats the shedule for that weekend? What day/times are the comps?
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

First off I want to thank all the guys helping me make this possible & all the guys signing up to compete and sponsors!!! I couldn't make this possible by myself!!! Schedule for the weekend is Feb 17 are open trail rides of the park, food will be served shortly after dark with Rock Solid playing shortly after. Sat will be the competition around 10am with a drivers meeting at 9:00am. After comp there will be open tries at the bounty hill. Smokin N Style will be serving ribs, beef and pork for BBQ sandwiches with beans, baked potato salad and banana pudding around 6:00 and Aaron Owens Band playing that night. Sun is open trail rides. There will be event tshirts and hoodies as well as Alpha Gorilla Clothing on sale all weekend. I'm going to keep competitors around 35 so make sure you sign up so we can get you a competitors package mailed to you before the weekend. Any questions feel free to email me [email protected]. We are still looking for a few sponsors if you are interested please email me cutoff for that will be Jan 17.

Thanks Rick Muns (ALPHA GORILLA)
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

we are leaving thursday by lunch time, so that should put us there about dark thirty, Also I did not know that timmie c. drove jenny craig out at hot springs park before you bought it Mark :P :P :P
Re: First Annual Gorilla Run @ Superlift in Hot Springs AR FEB. 17-19

Questions from spectators? are we allowed to drive non-competing 4x4's and atv's to the competition sites? will the park be open to riding on other trails on saturday ?