Ok, it's time for me too revive this thread. I have been pretty busy with other things in life and haven't had the motivation to tear into the runner yet.........up until yeseterday.
Mig'd Horse and I got together and started hacking out the rear suspension.
We only ran into a few hickups, like when i was dropping out the tank, the hardline to the fuel pump wasn't doing anything but getting rounded of. Up until i realized that i was trying to turn the wrongside of the connection....
After that our next problem was one of the bolts on the spring hanger had siezed in the sleve in the stock bushing. so out came the the lil propane torch.
Didn't help so we busted out a angle grinder and 15 mins of grinding through super harnded steel we had the rear axle and everything out
After that we tacked the of the spring hangers in place and called it a night.
Now we are debating what kind of shackle angle to we want from the springs w/o any weight on them.
or just slightly kicked back?
Let me just say it's nice to finally make some progress on this thing, Mig'dhorse and i don't have much time to work on it but we are shooting to have suspension and everything done in about to two weeks.
Then my 37 MT/R's i just snagged up are going on there :cheer: :cheer: